Thursday, February 1, 2007


A nasty war of words has been brewing between FOX News, CNN and MSNBC, and I'm happy to report that it's getting nastier.

FOX is still the dominant channel by far, and clearly has had the best marketing strategy to this point. FOX slants the news to attract conservatives and Republicans, and they've left the other two networks to battle for everyone else.

In case you think I don't like FOX, you're absolutely right. Bill O'Reilly in particular is a weasel. I think the network has hoodwinked a lot of good people. They lost audience in 2006. As President Bush's ratings dropped, so did FOX.

But I'm also not a big fan of CNN, which also lost audience in 2006. They're just plain boring, despite some very nice haircuts.

MSNBC is gaining audience, but I wonder how long that will last. Keith Olberman can be hilarious, but he's too far left and approaches politics like he's still reading football statistics. Chris Matthews is brilliant but too loud. Joe Scarborough is, well, Joe Scarborough. The best thing MSNBC has going for it is Don Imus in the morning.


At February 1, 2007 at 1:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've started tivoing MSNBC's "First Look" at 4:30 every morning, instead of watching CNN's Headline News. CNN has started to annoy me, covering way too many unimportant things, like Britney Spears new scandal. At least with MSNBC, if they cover crap news, it's stuck at the end of their program.

At February 1, 2007 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re just begging for attention with this post.

I now know why the Daily News has slanted left in the past couple years.

“FOX slants the news to attract conservatives and Republicans…”

Well, I’ll tell you as a democrat and a person who wants to hear news he can trust. FOX may lean more right than left, but they are MUCH better at not bending the news one way or another than any other network.

FOX hasn't deceived anyone...of good nature. I'm a Democrat (not a hard-core liberal) and I trust FOX News more than any other cable news network. They’re straight and too the point, and most of the time they don’t cover the really stupid and silly stuff that the other networks cover. Although, Tucker Carlson on MSNBC is pretty fair and balances some humor with discussing the news.

You seem kind of a like a weasel (cunning, sneaky person) in this post. I like how you slipped in that little comment and indirectly connected Bush with FOX. O'Reilly, or the rest of FOX for that matter, aren't particularly big fans of Bush. But then again, who is. FOX, and Bill O'Reilly have more diverse political opinions on their network than CNN and definitely more than MSNBC, or even NBC and CBS. ABC isn’t bad. There’s a reason O’Reilly has the number one cable news show of all time.

Olberman was only hired to gain the rest of the audience (~19-30 year-olds) that weren't already devoted trustworthy news (FOX) fans. Keith co-anchored Sports Center for god's sake. Countdown (Olberman's show) is funny, but he's like a person who is just handed the scripts and tries to come up with a quick opinion of what he just read, when he only knows half of the real story. Olberman isn't even on the same level as Billy boy. Olberman's viewers are what? 400k? And O'Reilly has 2,000,000? Yeah, enough said.

--Irritably in Ft. Walton Beach

At February 3, 2007 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bill O'Reilly in particular is a weasel."
Pot, meet Kettle.

At February 3, 2007 at 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said except Don Imus isn't that great. It's hard to find any TV news worth watching. Brian Williams of NBC is about the best. I think CNN could get a ratings jump just by getting rid of Wolf Blitzer. I quit watching FOX years ago. Maybe the NWF Daily news could do some investigative reporting. Just follow Okaloosa county's new lobbyist around and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

At February 3, 2007 at 7:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this true more and more often: Democrats, in particular far-left liberals, go with the "feeling" and can't really back up what they say.

More conservatives and moderates back up their arguments, O'Reilly in particular.

And if you think Brian Williams is not bias, then you got another thing coming. Try tivoing NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, and ABC World News broadcasts of the same night...and see which one sticks to the facts. ABC will always win. They're not bias in any which way most of the time, which is more than any other nightly news program could say.

At February 3, 2007 at 4:28 PM , Blogger AtTheBeach said...

Sorry to hear your comments about Fox news. I have found the channel to be more balanced in the sense that they offer a wider variety of opinion than CNN and certainly more than MSNBC. The latter two always seem to have a much more liberal slant.

The comment triggered a thought that has been on my mind for awhile about the Daily News. Some of the editorials seem to reflect the more libertarian philosophy of the Freedom company. Some seem to be written by the local staff. I get the impression of a disconnect between the two. At least some of the local editorials are more in keeping with the typical media approach which reflects the general more liberal philosphy of mahy mainstream newspapers-- perhaps reflecting the editor's political leanings. The ones written, I presume, by Freedom are more in the Libertarian mode. Any thoughts or reactions from the editor? Is this a figment of my imagination or a reflection of reality?

At February 4, 2007 at 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all you limousine liberals would pull your head out of your a-- and take a good look around you might just be able to see that you are begging for the USA to be defeated by our enemies. We must be strong and repel those that want us dead (or worse). If you are ready to bow down to the east 5 times a day, every day, then I guess you are working diligently to get your wish. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT.


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