Sunday, February 4, 2007

Our libertarian opinion page

Ralph asks a couple good questions: Who writes our editorials, and do they all carry a libertarian point of view.

A majority of our editorials are locally written. Most of them are written by our opinion page editor, Jim Shoffner, with input from the editor and publisher. The Northwest Florida Daily News also carries editorials from other Freedom newspapers about national and international issues.

All of our editorials are written from a philosophically libertarian point of view, which I should point out has no connection to the Libertarian Party. In a nutshell, our editorials champion individual rights and responsibilities, and less government involvement in our lives whenever possible.

Personally speaking, I think we should eliminate 10 percent of total federal, state and local government spending by 2010, and see what happens. Start with some of the big federal programs, and go from there. Is there anyone out there who doesn't believe that at least 10 percent of federal government spending is fat? That's our money, folks, and I think we should all insist that we get to keep more of it.


At February 6, 2007 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think 10% is enough, but would certainly be a start. My guess is government will just keep getting bigger though - would it really be in politicians' personal interests to pass laws that lessen their influence?

At February 8, 2007 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat - What a great blog post. I only wish it were true. Too often you support the growth of government (Judicial Center!)


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