Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Cut Bush slack for Obama comment

This week, some pundits have made hay of the fact that President Bush referred to Barack Obama as "articulate" during an interview on FOX News over the weekend. Apparently, the thinking is that Bush would never have referred to a white presidential candidate as "articulate," and therefore referring to Obama as "articulate" is somehow racist.

What baloney. The fact of the matter is that Obama is exceptionally articulate in much the same way that John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King Jr. or Ronald Reagan were exceptionally articulate.

Cut the president some slack, folks. There are plenty of important things to debate. This isn't one of them.


At February 7, 2007 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call President Bush "articulate" (have you heard his speeches?) Does that make me racist towards my own race?

I highly doubt the thought of being racist was crossing through the president's mind. And I feel kinda feel bad for the president, because everyone is all over him about it.

I prefer *bologna*, btw.

At February 8, 2007 at 10:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not by any means a Bush fan, but give me a break. I guess I, like the President, need the most current copy of what pisses off blacks. Any person that believes "articulate" is a negative is either unknowing of the meaning or simpy looking for a battle.

At February 9, 2007 at 5:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just another fine hint into the personalality and character traits of our president. Take the things he says one at a time and it isn't such a big deal, you are right. But look at the big picture and you begin to realize the negative, destructive character of this man we have to call the president.

At February 9, 2007 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Drew said...

To the second "Mr. Anonymous": Learn how to spell and we might think about your comments.

You HAVE to call him the president because we voted for him and elected him to office...that's right. If you don't want to live in this country and respect our president, then cross over the border to Canada! I don't support him on many things, but I still have the decency and pride to respect my countrie's leader. And you should too.

Please back yourself up when making ridiculous assertions!

At February 9, 2007 at 2:05 PM , Blogger Drew said...

And I've broken my own rule: *country's*

At February 10, 2007 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's the beauty of America drew, you can break your own rules ( as long as there isn't a law against it)! AND more importantly you don't have to follow the rules other people try to impose on you! Think whatever you want about me, that is your choice but certainly I do not have to respect President Bush! I am not a sheep! Oh and by the way, I do know how to spell! I may need typing lessons but spelling.......I got it covered!

At February 18, 2007 at 7:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people should take a compliment as a compliment and quit haggling over what color people are. If someone with dark skin had made the statement about Obama being articulate - no one would care. The media and the Bush haters will find anything to pick on. President Bush had no thoughts of race, nor did he say anything about his race. With the President's sense of humor, he was complimenting Obama for being articulate, (something that President Bush knows and has laughed about) is a trait that he, himself doesn't posess. Unbelievable to attempt to turn his compliment into anything else. When will some Americans grow up, quit looking at color and quit hyphenating their nationality with some other ancestrial history.


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