Thursday, April 5, 2007

not trolley buses!

I hate to disparage an idea before it has a chance to succeed, but I'll make an exception when it comes to Okaloosa County Transit's decision to put two WAVE "trolley" buses on the streets.

First, let's call them what they really are. They're buses dressed up to look like trolleys. The cost $139,000 in federal tax dollars apiece. According to a story in today's Daily News, "county officials hope the trolleys will draw locals and out-of-towners."

Here's reality. WAVE ridership is anemic at best. The bus service operates at a deficit of several hundred thousand dollars a year, which local taxpayers have to help make up. And two "trolley" buses will do little if anything to increase ridership.

There is a need for mass transportation services, especially for the physically disabled. But putting two more empty buses on the street at the taxpayers' expense isn't effective mass transportation, no matter how cute or stylish the buses look on the outside.


At April 5, 2007 at 12:41 PM , Blogger Drew said...

C'mon Pat! We're just trying "to be like San Francisco and New Orleans". Look how GREAT they're doing!! Yeah...right, and I'm a left-wing secular progressive.

Don't we have some kind of problem with sidewalks to deal with?

I'm just sayin'...

At April 5, 2007 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat, don't you get it, our elected officials don't dive a damn what you or I think. They know one thing - spend. Their narrow mindedness has one precept - "spend all you want we can always get more" and guess where the more comes from? But why should they care with low voter turn out they know it is very difficult to remove them. So business as usual.

At April 5, 2007 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our local elected officials don't give a rip about us. They care for the tourist and getting more tourist here. If they cared about us these cute little buses would be running schedule rounds from the county line by navarre to the front gate a Hurlburt and on to the real shopping centers in town and not between tourist destinations. They talk about wanting to relieve traffic on 98. Then make the buses run routes that help the locals.

At April 7, 2007 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: Did you go to any of the meetings that discussed the purchase of this trolley bus? If so, did you speak your mind so that you could hear the other side of the story? I just hope that your complaining because you didn't get your way and not because you never asked for a different way. That would be foolish.


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