Still more about politics
A couple respondents to my blog have asked me further questions about my politics.
Mike wondered about my party affiliation before I became an independent. Well, Mike, my father was and is a yellow dog, blue-collar, union-supporting Democrat. So I guess that would be the start point for my own political views. And I still view the world from the perspective of the working class. Growing up as the son of a sometimes laid-off construction worker in a single-parent family -- my mother died when I was 14 -- that often did not have enough money to go around will tend to give you a view of the world that sticks with you.
But my perspective has certainly evolved. As a younger man, I thought government programs could cure poverty, if only we'd let them work and make them bigger. Wrong! As a journalist, I have reported a quite a bit about various welfare programs, and my belief now is that most welfare programs do more to perpetuate poverty than to cure it. I further believe government -- especially at the federal level, but also at the state and local level -- is bloated and ought to shrink. And, I believe that the more government in general stays out of our lives, the better. For example, do we really need a U.S. Department of Education? I'm not sure we do.
Does that make me a conservative? Some readers seem to think so, and others don't. (One person called me a Nazi in a letter after I wrote a column critical of Democrats a couple years ago. I thought that was a bit strong, but I defend his right to have an opinion.). I can say that I have voted for Democrats and Republicans, and I'll continue to do so if that's what makes sense to me. As I said, I'm an independent.
Another blogger, however, believes that everything he's ever read from me is from the viewpoint of the "left wing." Sir or madam, (I'm not sure of your gender because you have chosen to be anonymous.), your characterization of my politics is no doubt a result of your own view of the world, through which you filter the views of others. Let me guess; you consider yourself to be a right-wing conservative with all the answers, if only everyone else could be just like you. Well, good luck with that.
Allow me to say that I am NOT a conservative, I do consider myself an independant. The far right makes me as angry as the far left. I voted for Ross Perot, Bill Clinton, and George W.( a little sorry about that one) Rosie makes me mad as does Bill O'Riely. I plan on voting for Obama if he gets the nomination and I am a female. All that being said. I still don't think you are a consevative with you printed views on things. I do however read it all as I love a good argument and I love the new features to the newspapers website.
In this area you have to be a bible thumping right wing bigot in order to be a member of the Republican Party. If you are a moderate, a fiscal conservative, or believe in equal opportunity then you are considered a liberal freak who kills babies
Do any of you guys actually "get out"?!
First of all, if you're going to diss someone, spell their name right.
And to the other anonymous, well...your thoughts are just too "out there" to even describe. It's perfectly acceptable in this area to not be a republican, a conservative, or both. The amount of non-republican conservatives in this area is rising everyday. Most people aren't going to impose their views on you if you don't have the exact same ideals as them.
Try taking a walk in the real-world once in a while...or do they not have sidewalks where you live?
To Drew, Boy did I step on some Republican toes. I love it. I wonder if you would be as mad if I had not spelled Rosie correctly. I never insulted your God O'Reilly I simply said that he makes me as angry as Rosie, hardly a blazing insult but I did enjoy the laugh.
Hey, I'm an independent. ;)
To "governedbyidiots", first of all, and a little off-topic, but who do you think you're helping with a handle like “governedbyidiots"? Canada? Here's a little saying I go by as quoted from South Park (yes, me, a republican, watches South Park *gasp!*): “America may have some problems, but it's our home. Our team. And if you don't wanna root for your team, then you should get the hell out of the stadium...GO AMERICA !!!” - Stan Marsh (South Park). Now, I'm sure your just trying to be somewhat satirical, but a name like that on a blog of an editor of a reputable and trusted newspapers makes you look kinda...well, you know.
And, surprisingly, yes, I would've corrected you if you spelled Rosie O'Donnell's name wrong. I do actually agree with some of her views on society...but definitely not foreign affairs. She’s not evil or anything, just misguided on some issues.
And I never said you insulted Mr. O'Reilly. I just said you showed criticism towards him, hence the word "diss".
And you're the one implying false statements, not me. How would you know if Bill O'Reilly is my god? I could be agnostic, or is that not allowed in order to be a republican?
Really, if you're going to do a comeback, at least read my post. C'mon!
My "handle" as you called it is for our local government and not as part of our countries politics. I leave a lot of postings about local subjects and I personally think this is an appropriate "handle" for our area. I have lived here my whole life, 45 years, and am sick about what our local government has allowed to happen. Hence governedbyidiots. I mean have you seen the plan for the fix on 98 or the plan for the bridge, even you must agree these are not our brightest thinkers
Yeah, I do agree with you that our local government officials are mislead and don't understand he real problems that need to be addressed. Sorry for misinterpreting. Although, I would probably not go as far as calling them idiots. Name-calling isn't gonna solve anything. Their actions, or rather, lack of action, are irresponsible and bordering on idiotic and foolish. But that's a whole other topic.
hey Drew, I've got to say you are probably right that it is a bit harsh to call them idiots and I will admit I didn't consider the personal attack when I made the name I was just really fed up with the highway plan when I chose the name as I live by Navarre and drive that road everyday. It is time to make a new name. I have enjoyed our little sparring. I suspect we will meet again over another topic.
Yeah, it's fun to have a constructive debate isn't it, as long as it's not with close-minded people who think everything they say has to be right.
Now, let me get back to watching the Gators whoop the Buckeye's...AGAIN!!
Sir, Like you I am the son of a working man who was able to rise to a higher level. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school, college and attain a masters degree. Working men are smarter and more loving than many think. Today I am a registered democrat because I have seen it to be the party of the working man. Of course, I also vote independently as there are democrats who place reelection over principles and integrity.
I ,too consider myself an independent moderate, who generally votes the individual. I have voted for Nixon to Dukakis. I have voted for Clinton And Bush Jr(once-2000).Also Perot out of disappointment with both parties.
Shalimar Partisan
So Pat, how did your Badgers do...oh, wait...nvrmind. ;)
Don't worry, there's always next year.
It’s good to be a Florida Gator! Wait...make that It's (RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME) to be a Florida Gator!
Odd how so many of these comments identify "politics" with the mouthpieces rather than the ideology. Let's talk ideas and efforts rather than tossing names.
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