Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Trimming local government

Not surprisingly, county and city governments are painting worst-case scenarios about the cuts they will need to make as a result of statewide property tax reform.

But in Okaloosa County, the potential cuts do not appear to be that big. Maybe still more should be trimmed.

On Tuesday, Okaloosa County Administrator Jim Curry estimated $5.4 million will need to be trimmed from this year's budget. But that amounts to just 1.8 percent of this year's current $292.3 million budget. In the world of private enterprise -- where budgets are often adjusted to meet performance expectations -- 1.8 percent is nothing.

The county ought to give taxpayers even more of their money back.

You can help cities and counties. Blog your ideas for trimming local government. I'm confident some officials read this blog. They'll see your ideas and perhaps put them to use.


At June 20, 2007 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have less money to pay in taxes because of the insurance companies, so let’s go to where our money is:

I say we require each insurance agent to have an Okaloosa County license if they want to do business here. The license will cost $1000 per month, or $10,000 for a one-year permit.

We can also levy a tax on the insurance companies and make them pay a $10.00 annual fee for every auto and life policy they have in the county and prohibit them from passing that cost onto the customer.

The county health department spends a lot on money on things that are not the government’s responsibility. Let’s stop these handouts and require people to accept responsibility for themselves and their families. If a program isn’t a necessity for the county as a whole we should end it. The program maybe considered essential by the person receiving the generous handout, but if it isn’t critical to the county as a whole it needs to go. These programs are niceties, not necessities, so they shouldn’t be funded by taxpayer dollars.

Instead of annual vehicle registrations give people the option to get a 2 years registration. The cost would be twice the one year registration plus $5.00 The County would get more money as many will pay the $5.00 for the convenience. It’ll also have the added benefit of fewer customers to serve each year.

Institute a user fee on schools and require families to pay $100.00 per student per year up to a maximum of $250.00 per family per year. We all pay taxes to support the court system, but those who use it pay court costs and other fees. This is the same thing, the people who benefit more from the service pay more.

At June 20, 2007 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They better wise up and get serious about this immediately because it’s going to get much worse in the next few years. Insurance is going to drive home prices down by 50%. Since the tax assessment is based on property value this’ll mean cuts far more severe than the $5,000,000 we have this year.

At June 20, 2007 at 3:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get real. You couldn't institute a user fee on schools because it would violate state and federal law, and that would mean schools couldn't get state or federal funding. That's not going to happen. I don't know that the school district gets any money from the county government, anyway. The fact is, city and county government staff has grown over the past 10 years more than the corresponding population. So, they may have to cut by either attrition, cutting "dead wood" or letting go the least-senior people. Like in business, when revenue is down, fewer people end up having to do more work and jobs that aren't mission-essential have to be cut.

At June 20, 2007 at 3:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a very simple idea that will easily solve the County's budget cut issue: DROP THE $7.6 MILLION IN ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENSES. It is not a basic governmental function to support businesses and our economy really is doing fine. One cut, work done. With the $2 million saved, buy the EMS the most up-to-date radios so they don't have to read a map on the way to a call. Just a few thoughts.

At June 20, 2007 at 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

notice how they NEVER talk about getting rid of ANY "administrators." there are way too many assistants and administrators in the local gov. in addition, cut the commissioners pay. they get paid way too much for a part time job spending other peoples money.with the cost of insurance,taxes, and an always hungry for money local government putting people in the poor house, there will be no need for(insert pet project here), because everybody's leaving. it still amazes that they've collected about 200% more money, and are now crying doom over a 7 to 10% cut. i have lost more income with the increased cost of fuel/utilities/food than they have, and can still make ends meet. guess i'm smarter than they are, but that's not saying much. a brainless cadaver could probably do better than our current exalted rulers.

At June 20, 2007 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them eat cake

At June 21, 2007 at 5:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason we have budget problems is because folks like Anonymous #3 don’t want to pay their own way in the world. The expect somebody else to pay their bills and they get absolutely indignant like anonymous #3 if anybody suggests they take responsibility for themselves.

At June 21, 2007 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

More taxes= More infrastructure and services, DUUHHHH. Get it!

At June 21, 2007 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the past 5 years tax revenue to the county doubled. Infrastructure and services grew very little, if at all. So how can you possibly think paying more taxes get you more? Where exactly can you tell us that infrastructure doubled? What services doubled?

At June 21, 2007 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... if you sell the ever popular conference center, you know the one that the ignored taxpayers of OK County voted NO on, right off the get go, you would save the over 2 million that it is costing each year to stay open. That figure puts us at almost 50 percent of the needed cut, and rather painlessly I might add. And since the than county commissoners knew what was better for us than the electorate, and it was such a great idea, the successful buyer can turn it into a money maker and the county would still get the benefit of that alledged 30 million that it brings into this area. A win win situation for all. Want to bet that it won't happen???

At June 21, 2007 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re right, it won’t happen.

The conference center is so laden with debt that no one will buy it because they’ll be responsible for all that debt. If they do buy it without the debt it’ll take us years to pay off this foolhardy undertaking.

And it will never become a money maker. If the conference center really was a viable, profitable venture it would have been built by the private sector years ago.

At June 21, 2007 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re tom W. and last anonymous
Conference Center.....Educate yourselves on what the numbers really mean. The daily news posts numbers and does not explain what they are. they are not all operating costs.....not even close. The true economic impact (alledgedly...hah!)is WELL over 30 million dollars including EI multipliers (if you even know what they are)The debt is being paid off by money you never see and certainly DO NOT contribute to. You are holding a grudge...get over it, you sound silly. Please educate yourselves.

At June 21, 2007 at 12:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re still trying to use the 30 million as a figure that is due solely to the conference center and that is false. Many of the events held there would still be held even if there was no conference center so the economic impact from those events would still have occurred even without the conference center.

The military events would have happened at the soundside or at one of the base clubs. The Hispanic (and other ethnic) festivals would still happen without the conference center. So it’s an outright lie to claim all the economic impact is due to the conference center when it obviously isn’t.

And we can also tell that bill is wrong because he’s resorting to name calling. He’s also referring to economic multiplies, but providing no data to support his claim. If he truly does have empirical data to support his claim he isn’t showing it, so it makes one wonder.

At June 21, 2007 at 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous #3 and I still stand by the fact that 1. county government doesn't pay for schools, dopey, and 2. you simply can not charge for public education. It is illegal. Try changing federal law first. Jeez! And, try using a logical argument, not hamstringing your opponent.

At June 21, 2007 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’ve been hearing a lot of arguing and complaining about the conference center these past few months with a myriad of data and statistics cited to make each point, but we still don’t know for sure. I think the NWFDN should ask the Haas Center at UWF to analyze the situation and give us an unbiased report.

At June 21, 2007 at 12:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the county government doesn’t fund schools why is the biggest part of my property tax bill say it’s for the school system? It seems dopey to charge so much for schools if they don’t pay for them. Where does the money we’re paying for school taxes go to if it doesn’t fund the schools?

You sound not just dopey, but outright stupid claiming the county doesn’t pay for schools when we pay so much in taxes for them. And don’t bother spewing anymore of your uneducated, tired tripe, because I won’t be back.

At June 21, 2007 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of making the insurance companies pay more. They’ve jacked up the rates for their products and services, so we should jack up the rates we charge them, it’s only fair.

At June 21, 2007 at 1:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure if this belongs here, but who is responsible for fixing 98 on Okaloosa Island? They left all the GRAVEL. Guess what? It is blowing into the water! Imagine that! Who is going to pay to clean up the water now? Or are we going to have millions of bits of gravel to step on now. I'd like to have the county sue the idiots that left all the gravel. Maybe that could help the shortfall.

At June 21, 2007 at 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at the convention center will really do nothing substantial for the county's billion dollar budget. It is simply something to get riled up about. I had been in the convention business for years and thinking outside the box of one building, 100's of convention centers populate most all cities in America and abroad. They are all built with the understanding that it enhances the social and econmical impacts of the area. I have been there several times and enjoy it. Let's discuss pertinent issues, fund education and get infrastructure built.

At June 21, 2007 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bill... where's the money come from to make up for the conference center's deficit? who pays the debt? if it makes so much of an economic impact, sell it to the people who profit from it, and use the mysterious never seen money collected to handle any police/fire layoffs if they occur. how about cutting the multitude of administrator/assistant positions so prevalent in our local gov?

At June 21, 2007 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One administrator that they can get rid of and save money would be the Director of Public Works.

She "earns" over $105,000 per year. I use the term earn loosely because I do not think she earns even half of that. Her skills in knowing how to manage people are at a minimum as is her ability to save financing on public works projects.

Get someone in that job that knows how to manage and big bucks in savings would be the result.

At June 22, 2007 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to trim local government then hold the Commissioners responsible for all the promises that got them elected. When Ms. Campbell was elected she admitted that the county wasted money on vehicles but this did not slow the continued purchase of them. They have employees that drive county vehicles to and from home using gas the county paid for... these are not all emergency workers or on call of them works in HR! They also need to round up all those credit cards that they distributed to almost every employee. Does the average tax payer know that these employees can make purchases up to sometimes $1,000 with no oversight? The items are not tagged so the employees have no responsibility for maintaining them. More expensive items are purchased than what are needed. The county knows that when they issued these credit cards spending increased and continues to increase as the employees get more savvy in how to beat the system. Also, as for the conference center, I will admit there is alot of the financing I don't understand but I do understand that the salary for the workers employed there is being paid by Okaloosa County tax payers..not bed tax... so if it is loosing money and not even paying the salary of the people helping it loose money maybe it should be converted into a judicial least it would have a fuction!

At June 22, 2007 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to getting rid of the incompetent public works director! I have had the displeasure of watching her actions for the past 6 months, while dealing with the county.She routinely answers for the Adminstrator/Commisioners and fails to seek the advice of other department heads (ie; growth management)when they should be part of the planning process for county performed projects. Oh,I forgot only the public has to abide by the rules.

Where do department heads fit into the overall picture. Shouldn't the administrator or commissioners have the power to reign this person in? Most likely they lack the knowledge to question her decisions. How do we allow these folks to be elected!

At June 22, 2007 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

105k??? with retirement benefits? why are we paying so much to these public service folks? cut the economic environment, cut the mid level managers, cut the pay of the top department heads. problem solved. i'm on a budget, too, you know.

At June 23, 2007 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the last tax meeting, it was shared Okaloosa County handles maintenance and oil changes for all those vehicles in house. Why not bid the work out to a local automotive maintenance shop, car dealer, or even Walmart? I bet we could get $10 oil changes on those vehicles.

We were also told the county expense for healthcare of county workers was going up 20% this year - at taxpayer expense. In the private sector employees would be shouldering at least half, if not all, of this burden.

Some county employees already work 4 day work weeks. Such flexibility comes with lower pay in the private sector. Why not in the county?

Slatterpryce should be making $50,000, not $105,000. She has never returned a single phone call from me.

When your digging a hole and it keeps getting deeper, the old adage is to stop digging. At the last BCC meeting, commissioners kept passing pork after pork. Why not freeze new project spending since they know the budget is being "slashed" 1.8%?

At June 24, 2007 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to economize is have a common sense person visit worksites unannounced in an unmarked vehicle. Watch what is happening and see who is actually "working".That in itself may take a while to catch someone working. When loborers see waste or poor management they tend to have a hard time being conscientious. Casually talk talk to that person and ask about obstacles in his/her department.There are a few very dedicated employes that would very happy get grieviences off their chest.

A few trips would identify problems and I'm sure a few names would be repeated over and over.

At June 24, 2007 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expand local gov't by 2 times and raise taxes, so we get general services, and some modernity around here. This area needs expansion in the worst way.Signed a modern person

At June 24, 2007 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to Balance the new County Taxes? Have Roll Call at the County Government Offices each day....especially Friday's & Monday's. Keep personnel that are required & will work.

At June 24, 2007 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of two cases that County workers go to work In "County Vehicles" @ 7:30 AM and are home by 2:30 PM....of course in their County Vehicles. This happens everyday. This is factual for at least the past "5 Years". Yes, I'm retired and see them everyday

At June 24, 2007 at 7:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well. And they say Democrats are the tax and spenders. I truly hope that all writers of these comments, anonymous or not, also realize that your County Commissioners have been long-time Republicans, and probably will be for a longer time. Won't one of you Democrats run for County Seat 1, 3, or 5?

Cut wasteful spending, pay as you go.

Contact me at 862.9969!

At June 25, 2007 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To taxpayer
No...the credit cards are controlled by the finance department,brutally so if I do say so (I am responsible for one)The savings in process, labor and time warrant these.
And the salaries at the Conference Center along with all other expenses are covered by revenues and bed tax....none of the tax payers local taxes. Pease contact the finance department of Okaloosa county to confirm.
I know that it is budget time and time to stir the masses, however there is far to much misinformation being spouted and blogged. Please do your research people.

At June 25, 2007 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"salaries at the conference center along with all other expenses are covered by revenues and bed tax... none of the tax payers local tax." your government logic in action. it's running $2,000,000 in the red, but expenses are covered. must be the new math i heard about.

At June 26, 2007 at 3:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody reading and commenting on this topic needs to see today's article on the need to raise money for storm water control.

The game to increase fees is already starting!!!!

At June 26, 2007 at 3:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody reading and commenting on this topic needs to see today's article on the need to raise money for storm water control.

The game to increase fees is already starting!!!!

At June 26, 2007 at 10:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No comments concerning the commissioner's great judicial center....yet? It's still sitting there in their minds.

At June 26, 2007 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daily news could do the community a service by doing an investigative reporting series on the growth of the county vs the growth of the county gov't. Compare various county depts against some metrics like $/employee, sq ft/employee, wehicle/employee etc. Do for all three counties. May find it interesting. Tim O'

At June 27, 2007 at 11:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"And the salaries at the Conference Center along with all other expenses are covered by revenues and bed tax....none of the tax payers local taxes."

Well, the bed tax was originally created to cover infrastructure improvements and beach and park maintenance. Now that the bed tax revenue is going to the support the conference center, the infrastructure and beach and park maintenance funds come from where? Yup, you guessed it. The local taxpayers.

At June 28, 2007 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, the ignorance printed here!
The bed tax has strict guidelines for use and can only be used to promote the area collecting the bed tax, it CANNOT be used for the services local taxes are supposed to be supplying for including roads, storm water runnoff......etc. The county gets the tax money collected from the tourist spending their dollars in our stores, gas stations, restuarnats, etc. GET IT????

At June 29, 2007 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why won't the county commission question the fact of the Sheriff buying 2-3 cars a year for his own use? That would be close to a 300k savings over a 4 year term. Could it be that one of the commisoner is working for him?

At June 29, 2007 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Pat.

Is it not time that we got a new topic?

Are you on vacation?

At July 3, 2007 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, so I should apologize for putting lemons in the apple crate. The majority of Okaloosa County's "Economic Environment" funnding is either 1) required to be paid by statute, or 2) restricted sales taxes that can only be used for particular purposes. My point not clearly made in the fourth comment on this page, was that our local officials need creativity and guts! Our government is too big at all levels and too involved in areas never intended to be governmental.

In Bush II's years, he has greatly expanded the federal education system with the No Child Left Behind law, signed the largest expansion of Medicare benefits by adding prescription drug coverage to the program in 2003, created the Department of Homeland Security, provided the federal government broad surveillance powers through the USA Patriot Act, and has driven the national debt to an increase of more than $1.31 billion per day since September 29, 2006!

On the local level, our Republican leaders have done the same. Since 2004, the County budget has increased by $92 million dollars. The FY 2007 budget added 70 new personnel, bringing the total number of county employees to 905. (Fort Walton Beach employs 378 full time equivalents for a population of 20,000).

County government was never intended to be an institute of tourism or economic development. It is my opinion that if the County has adequate highways, railways, air cargo facilities, storm water management, drinking water, flushing toilets, waste management, and the right development codes, economic development will come. If we keep our highways, parks, and recreational areas clean and provide proper access and parking, tourists will come. (No one can convince me that Peter Bos built that "thing" because of the Harbor Redevelopment Agency.)

Instead, what we have seen in Okaloosa County is the cart before the horse. The EDC, our "non-profit organization committed to the growth and diversity of Okaloosa County's economy" (and funded by ad valorem taxes) focuses its efforts in 3 main areas—existing industry expansion, workforce development, and target-industry recruiting. The EDC's home page states blatantly that the military presence is "the #1 contributor for Okaloosa's economy." A look at the vacant buildings in the FWB Commerce Park shows the results of relying on the military contractors who come and go. Further, the EDC shows the 2000 Census chart of Household Income for our county. It states that the same percentage of households have less than $15,000 (10.38%) as do the number with $75,000 - $99,999 (9.92%). So, admittedly, Okaloosa County is surviving on a part of that ever-increasing $1.31 billion per day federal debt that funds our military instead of truly facing the infrastructure issues and getting other types of quality industry into the County.

OK County should get back to the basics. Don't just cut the budget regarding ad valorem taxes. Redesign the County's purpose and cut the entire County government!! (I promise to even kick in the first $10 for a stormwater utility!) Finally, this budget discourse should continue until the budget is adopted. Citizens need to voice opinions!!

A Veteran & Democrat

At July 4, 2007 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The OKDECCHAIR makes sence to me. I admire her courageous and informed discussion sticking to the issues and their true meanings. The majority of the other discussion is brought out by devoted persons to the NEW Republican model of Tax and Spend. Never in my life time had I expected to see such a huge spending spree by so many dedicated Neocons. Their bloated theocratic government is still growing even as I write this and at county taxpayers expense. While Rep. Miller our sainted congressman refused to vote for the COPS amendment; one that would FEDERALY fund many of our fine county police officers and put more prosecutors on the payroll. Not paid in total by Okaloosa tax payers. Mike Novosel Jr.

At July 4, 2007 at 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually our local taxes are a good deal. Think of it. How much do you pay or what percentage of you income to you pay in Federal Taxes? What do you get for that money? I can think of defense, welfare, and retirement and payment on the debt; with defense being the only thing I think we really need. Now what percentage of your income do you pay in Local Taxes? And what do you get? Roads, schools, parks, water and sewer services; health services. Stuff we really need for a decent community. I understand retired folks predicament and we should accomodate them, but us working folks shouldn’t moan too much: we get a lot for our local taxes. Not to say there isn’t waste but overall its not a bad deal.

At July 5, 2007 at 6:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The needs of the local citizens are impacted very greatly by property taxes. What used to cost 4 or 5 hundred dollars a year is now upwards of $1400. It doesn't seem like much, but, it represents about $100 per month. When you couple this with $200 or more a month for gasoline to get to work and a 100% increase by our insurance "friends" since last year; the extra localy collected taxes have a significant impact on our citizens who can not afford to buy a home. If they rent, these costs get passed on to them. They even have to decide between dog food or a trip to the hospital when they get sick or injured. If a nickle more per person tax federaly would pay for the same localy provided police, fire, etc. it would be much less of an impact on the citizens of our county. Instead, our locals vote for more defense contractor money. The soldiers rarely see the grand payouts to Haliburton. They do get hot dogs for $10 and their laudry cleaned for $100 per laundry bag by Brown and Root (Halliburton) It is simply a matter of dilution. More people pay less money in the long run. No matter how you cut it, high gas prices, property taxes and insurance costs are a tax on the average wage earner here in our county. Iraq does effect our citizens even though most don't serve. The cost is born on their shoulders. At $8,000 per second, a lot of things could be paid for federaly. We would have enough to prosecute the true war on terror in Afghanistan and get the perpetrators of 911 instead of enriching Cheney's Halliburton.

At July 5, 2007 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For many, many years we received a postcard water bill. We paid with a check, our envelope and our stamp. It has been the only bill we pay by check every month; all others we pay online or they draft our bank account.

Recently water company went to a letter-type bill on expensive paper and they include a self-addressed envelope. What are they thinking? Why not go to online billing (eliminate the paper altogether) with payment through a bank draft or credit card or a billing company, such as CheckFree. Think of the savings this one small thing would generate.

At July 7, 2007 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way for us to lower our taxes is to show up at meetings and let our voices be heard. It interferes with our kids' schedules, dinner, work and everything else, but only with some input from citizens can we really change things. Also, I would like to thank Commissioner Jannazo for doing his best to rein in spending. Take time to notice the good people so we can have more of them.

At July 10, 2007 at 4:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim O said the NWF Daily News should do an investigative report on County Budgets and agencies. They don't have the balls!! They have been given so much insider information over the past few years, and NEVER do you read a report on it. Like a a little sand crab hiding in the sand, then jump out and grab an easy story from time to time. Commissioners free vacations paid by business men with items before the Commission. The Sheriff's Office personnel car assignment is a travesy of malfeasance. Seems like the editors of late just don't care, we'll just print whatever looks nice on the AP.


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