Friday, May 18, 2007

Let's debate immigration!

It appears that an immigration deal has been struck in Washington, D.C. -- the result of an unlikely alliance between President George W. Bush, conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The deal -- which the Senate will debate beginning Monday -- would grant legal status to millions of people who currently are in this country unlawfully. They would be able to obtain a "Z" visa after paying a $5,000 fine and fees, which would put them on track to gain permanent residency in 8-to-13 years. The deal would also increase border security and create a hi-tech employment verification system.

My guess is that lots of people on the Emerald Coast have opinions about this proposal. So, let's share our viewpoints on this blog. I hope people with opinions on all sides of the immigration issue will join in the discussion.

One note: I know this is an emotional issue for many people. That's fine, but please be civil on my blog.


At May 21, 2007 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems we now know the price of our politicians. $5000.00 per potential voter. doesn't matter if our country gets sold out, as long as they get the $$ and votes.

i keep hearing how these people just want to work, and assimilate into our country. go to miami, tampa, homestead,orlando, los angeles, and many other cities and tell me that again.

i lived in miami, and to get a job there you must be bilingual. this is because you have people who've only been in country for 10 years and haven't had time to learn english.

common courtesy would be to learn the native language, not protest everything and demand rights you do NOT have because you're here illegally.

At May 22, 2007 at 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems people have decided where they sit on this issue, and are plain tired of discussing it anymore.

What part of "illegal immigrant" is out-of-date, no longer relevant, does not apply, can be overlooked, should be excused, is to ignore, or does not relate to our neighbors from the south?

At May 23, 2007 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would lawmakers pass a new law? There would be no problem if the old law was enforced. This is insanity and we are supposed to stomach it.

It appears that laws are only for those who abide by the law.

Neal Boortz yesterday cited a taxpayer cost of 89 billion dollars per year if this immigration bill is passed. That figure includes taxes paid by "now legal" immigrants.

Our self-important, blowhard politicians have sacrificed our national sovereignty for the votes of parasites.

It's time for a revolution!! Certainly, the founding fathers revolted with less cause.

At May 24, 2007 at 6:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice how few posts compared to gas prices? The average American knows that this proposed immigration bill is nothing but smoke and mirrors, a con job, a snow job or any other term that comes to mind.

Our Congress is composed of a majority of people who sell to the highest bidder. Big business has bought and paid for our governemnt and now call the shots. Congress has refused to have our borders north and sought secured in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Congress has no intentions of enforcing anything they pass.

Our Republican Senator Martinez has the nerve to say on his legislative update site that we are a nation of laws and this proposed bill will resolve the illegal alient problem. Guess the good Senator hasn't figured out that he and others have refused to insist that current immigration and border security laws be enforced. I suspect he is more interested in pushing some sort of Spanish speaking agenda than considering what is good for the United States.

I don't understand why we need to placate millions of persons who broke the law to come here, break the law by staying here and break other laws by working, using false documents etc. Do you think for one minute our Congress will pass a law forgiving 20 million Americans of any misdemeanors? Of course not, citizens have to obey the laws as after all "we are a nation of laws."

Our country needs to get tough, seal the borders and start fining employers a $100,000 per illegal per occurance, and then start small with a quota of deporting 25,000 illegals a month. That will get the word out to these illegals to stop coming here.

At May 25, 2007 at 5:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last I heard Bill O’Reilly supports it because he thinks it’s the best we can expect and because he actually believes the federal government will seal the border. Ted Kennedy also supports the bill so one can only conclude that if those two support the bill it can’t be good for the rest of us.

I also can’t believe the leadership in the Senate expected a vote on the issue before the bill was even written. Sen. Reid only wanted to give a few days to study and debate a bill expected to be over 700 pages. How can any Senator have time to read and analyze such a voluminous bill in so short a time?

They complained that the administration was ignoring the will of the American people, but they’re trying to force a law that no American citizen outside of DC wants.

At May 29, 2007 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read on page C-1 of todays paper that the DeFuniak Springs Police Chief wants to crack down on illegals. Hats off and three cheers for someone in this area with some guts.

Lets see, 10 to 15 undocumented aliens cited each week in DeFuniak springs alone. Undocumented as in entering our country illegally, driving with a license- that is illegal, bet they don't have auto insurance-another violation, they have a vehicle so that means that they are working here--illegally, probably not paying soc sec taxes and that is illegal, not paying income taxes, that is illegal, and this is just a starter of offenses.

Of course this newspaper and all the other pro illegal amensty folks want me and you to pick up the tab for what these illegals are costing us. I think it would be great if some of the NWF Daily News reporters along with it Editor go to Mexico or Honduras or any other country without a passport or visa or some type of persmission, drive without a license, get a job but pay nothing into the local society and ensure that they get stopped by the police and then report back on how they are treated. I would bet that the treatment an American would receieve would shock them and those that read the report.

At June 21, 2007 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have done nothing about it for years. I don't mind getting $5000 from these guys. What are we getting now? Zip.

If we get $5000 from each one and they start paying taxes and especially Social Security, I have no real issue with it. The reality is that we have a serious labor shortage. Most of these people work their tails off and few of them cause any trouble. That would be the real reason there hasn't been a big revolt about them up until recently.

The final citizenship should not be granted unless you pass at least a basic English test, though, and you should have to pass a US history and government test while you're at it. Everybody had to learn English and it's what keeps us together (sort of...)

And please, we should not be counting their kids on the FCAT etc, until they've gone to the same school for two years. The system right now is silly.


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