We fiddle, Iraq burns
That's how best to describe the political theater that played out in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.
The Democrats sent an Iraq funding bill to President George W. Bush with a timeline for a pullout of U.S. troops from the country, knowing full well that Bush would veto it.
Bush did just that, calling the bill "a prescription for chaos and confusion and we must not impose it on our troops."
Now, after weeks of this charade, Bush and the Democrats will try to reach some sort of compromise. What a waste of precious time.
The Democrats should never have sent this bill in the first place. At the same time, Bush must recognize that his policy in Iraq has already been a prescription for chaos and confusion.
At what point will America hold the Iraqi government people accountable for the self-inflicted slaughter that's occurring there and costing American lives in the process? Let's hope it's soon.
The real solution is to stop funding this illegal and unAmerican war.
Congress should refuse to discuss any more money for Bush's war. Instead of doing something destructive like funding the war, they should work to solve other problems facing this country.
You couldn't be more realistic, Pat. We shouldn't be wasting extremely valuable time with these things. Shame on the republicans and democrats who support a public time table and who support the funding bill.
John Phillip Souza, composer of the USMC battle hymn, fully understood how to lay out the music and words to keep the military in step. As a former army guy who marched, I learned that Hut-2-3-4, or left-right left-right 1-2-3-4, had to be perfect to march forward correctly. Even so, there was also always some out of step. Basically the left and the right are out of step and they may need to move to the middle and follow the cadence.
The problem is that some politicians are doing what’s in the best short-term interest of their party, and political career. And they’re ignoring what’s in the best long-term interest of the nation.
What happened in the past isn’t relevant, the issue is where do we go from here. We either take military action, or we don’t. Once the decision is made to take action, which it was here, we have to do the job, even if it isn’t easy or quick.
The only thing worse than staying is an immediate pullout as some are suggesting.
The world is much larger than Iraq and Iran. If we continue to keep our focus on the Middle East the military will be stretched too thin to defend this nation. The Far East, South America, and the Balkins can all become an issue if we sqeeze our military resources into one region. An example would be the USSR's war in Afganistan. Strangely enough we aided the Taliban during that conflict and the USSR changed significantly. There is some unknown force out there who will capitalize upon our stretched military.
You are absolutely right on this one.
I now know why my emails to you were blocked...I think. It appear that when I send you a message via "web mail" it is blocked. A straight old email through Outlook Express seem to make it.
A.J. Chapman
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