John McCain's skewed Iraq
During his recent visit to Iraq, Republican Senator and presidential hopeful John McCain spoke of the success of our recent troop surge there, and said the media aren't adequately covering the improvements in security. He added that he visited a Baghdad market -- something he would not have been able to do in previous trips.
Fortunately, "60 Minutes" went along with him and was able to capture the truth on video.
McCain visited the market under heavy guard by the U.S. military, with 10 armored Humvees on the ground and two Apache helicopters overhead. He was surrounded by soldiers during the entire visit. Not exactly your weekend trip to the average Emerald Coast supermarket.
The troop surge may be working -- certainly some evidence suggests it is, at least in parts of Baghdad. But McCain ought to know better than to bend the truth so much. Americans deserve to know the real facts in Iraq, not the distortions of political candidates.
You said: The troop surge may be working -- certainly some evidence suggests it is, at least in parts of Baghdad.
That’s the first time anybody in the media acknowledged that. The problem here is that the media has a vested interest in seeing America fail. Everything they’ve reported about the administration or Iraq in the past 3+ years has been negative.
McCain’s comments may have been skewed, but not nearly as skewed as the media reports coming out of Iraq the past three years. The media in this country will not air anything favorable about Iraq, no matter what.
Most of you media types are actively rooting against the United States and are incapable of reporting fairly on the situation. A prime example is the Kurdish area in northern Iraq. They have a safe, civil society, a functioning economy and their own currency. They’ve also signed contracts with some energy companies to sell them oil. This is a success that unfortunately isn’t happening in the rest of Iraq, but this is a significant success that the media has ignored. How many articles did the Northwest Florida Daily News do about this?
That you’re giving any credence to 60 Minutes after the Dan Rather fiasco shows that you’re not serious about providing the whole, impartial story about the situation in Iraq.
Don’t forget Senator Lieberman made some positive statements about Iraq after one of his trips there and the media turned on him for it. Yet they glorify Rosie O’Donnell for her radical, off the wall, anti-American outbursts.
The only positive thing to come out of Iraq will be the Americans leaving that shit hole. The press has been vindicated as to their accuracy in reporting. The skew comes from the Bush administration and his cronies. If I surround you with 10,000 armed forces, you can pretty much be assured of at least a more secured enviornment for the duration of the surronding. When troop levels fall you got a problem again. Let's see. this AM paper, the head terrirost rag head wants to channel more energy in the killing of Americans and looking at this weekends death toll was pretty successful. Bodies with drilled heads continue to be found killed civilians because of their religious beliefs found daily and you tell me things are better. Almost 30 killed duing last weeks clorine bomb explosion. But things are getting better, my ass. I restate - the last good thing to come from this war will be the last American leaving, until than it is a failure.
America was attacked by terrorists on 9/11. Lead by Osama Bin Laden, who by the way, is NOT from Iraq. In response,our president waged war against Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11! And still Osama goes free. I'm sure every morning he gets out of bed and laughes at our stupidity! This war in Iraq is a farce. So McCain can make any comments he wants on our "success" in Iraq! But I bet he couldn't give us a good reason for why we are there in the first place!
Please let us also see the data that you used to show that John McCain's words were skewed. I always prefer to see the raw data and draw my own conclusions.
When can I expect to see this data?
Patrick, I find this posting interesting considering other political news from the week-end. President Pelosi, Secretary Of State Pelosi and Secretary of Defense Pelosi takes an extended holiday while supplemental funding for our troops she claims to support sits on hold awaiting her return. I’m sure this will be covered in your next “independent” assessment of political affairs. You argue that McCain gave a skewed picture of Iraq by stating that the surge was working, which it is, and that he was able to visit a Bagdad Market, which he did, something he would not have been able to do in previous trips. From this you state that he is giving a skewed picture of Iraq? Surely there’s more information. Would you expect a US Senator to go to a Market in Bagdad with his wife and a few casual friends? Ever see the support staff these folks have while in the states?
You stated “McCain ought to know better than to bend the truth so much”. So which part was bent? That the surge was working or that he would not have been able to go to a Bagdad Market on previous visits? Did he say that he went without any US military support? Did he say that he was planning his next vacation for Bagdad? Maybe SecDef Pelosi should have stopped by while she toured the Middle-East and gave us an accurate portrait of Bagdad, or is she afraid that the Troops DON’T support her?
By the way, have you ever taken a stroll in a Market in South Los Angeles, South Dallas, or East St Louis? They don’t have suicide car bombers or RPGs but I sure wouldn’t advise it, even if it is here in the “Senator friendly” USA.
Alright Pat, I almost agree with you. Don't feel bad though.
First of all, and I’m not trying to sound critical, but why would one of the people who could very well be the next president of the United States NOT have as much protection as he did? Just the fact that one of the most popular persons’ in this country can walk on the ground in one of the most dangerous areas in Iraq is pretty eye-opening to me.
Here's a little word-for-word excerpt from the BOSTON GLOBE (one of the most biased newspapers in the United States). I chose to quote from this newspaper to show that even the people against the war admit there is substantial progress being made because of the surge.
Here it goes:
BOSTON GLOBE: McCain acknowledged in his "60 Minutes" interview that he had been accompanied by heavy security during his trip.
"I can understand why (the Army) would provide me with that security, but I can tell you that if it had been two months ago and I'd asked to do it, they would have said, 'Under no circumstances whatsoever,"' he said.
"I view that as a sign of progress."
So, you see, even though we haven't succeeded and handed over the full control of Iraq over to the Iraqi's, we have come one step closer to where we SHOULD have been three years ago. Yes, we have wasted billions of dollars and have sacrificed thousands of our men and woman, but I (and I like to think the American people) would rather it be late than never. And politics aside, I think that if we leave now or before the Iraqi's are able to sustain their government, we will do more than just lose this war, we will dig ourselves into a much deeper hole that will leave our enemies to think we're cowards and they'll take control, leaving us with no way to dig ourselves out.
Can we please just set politics aside for one moment and just think about the consequences of our actions? Those people who think that most of the mainstream media are out to destroy America are dead wrong, as well as the individuals who think every single thing they hear out of the media must be true.
I've learned I can never trust President Bush or most of the current politicians again because of the catastrophic mistake of suggesting Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but that doesn't mean I don't support him on finishing what we started...because if we don't guess who wins and takes control? Those that STILL ask why we are still in Iraq should realize their arrogance. We ALL know it was a mistake. But making comments such as those in a time of war will cause nothing but more enragement on both sides of the political spectrum which causes no good when the logical people of this nation are trying to find a solution.
Holy crap, I hate writing this much.
P.S. tell me if I've written any factual information. I don't want to mislead people.
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McCain wants to be presdient so much he has made a deal with the devils...George Bush and Jerry Falwell. He goes to Iraq heavily protected by enough fire power to protect anyone and he then tells us all the place is safe. Just another lying politician has McCain become. Senator, you should be ashamed of yourself
I know, I know...don't say it. I'm a little slow today.
John McCain says most of us Americans want defeat in Iraq. He must now be the puppet with the words coming out of his mouth as provided by the Bush/Cheney masters of illusion. Hey senator, we want out because the administration has so screwed up this mess there is no alternative. And you sure aren't it. Elect McCain and get four more years of bloodshed
I worked for John McCain in New Hampsire...froze my butt off for this man and cried when he was destroyed by the evil empire of Karl Rove and George Bush. Today I wonder how I could ever have believed in McCain...he's just another lying politicians
Blaming the media for everything that goes wrong is what conservatives have done for generations. It's all the media's fault we are losing. The media's fualt is not holding this administration responsible for the many lies and I will blame them for that. As for rooting for America to fail. I can root for Bush to turn into a chicken....won't make it so.
Since most of you don't agree on winning the war (BTW, pulling out now is NOT winning, FYI) and are cursing and suggesting that the President of the United States is a devil and are calling Senator McCain a liar, why don't you provide us with some solutions for winning this war instead of insulting people. Because that's what some of us are trying to do, because we, or at least I, love the United States of America.
Didn't the American people show that they wanted a change by electing the Democrats last November? Well, here you go! You got your wish. Now, tell me. Tell all of us: What do YOU think the United States of America should do after we pull out every single soldier from the wars? Do you think it's just all gonna go away and we'll have a happy ending? Because if you do, I'd hate to be the one to inform you, but it doesn't work that way. If we withdraw, there will be another major attack on the west, and thousands more innocent people will die because we, the American people, wanted a change. Sure, the shot-term after withdrawing will probably be great, but wait a little while and you'll see why most U.S. generals know that we need to win this war. Don't be so ignorant & selfish. Please. We can't afford to be wrong again. Let's finish what we've started and defeat the terrorists...because that's who were fighting. And if we guessed it. They'll come back. They'll win.
That is a great thought,,,all the terrorists are holed up in Iraq, lets stamp them all out and live in peace.
My opinion of you has improved 200%. You do get the situation and see the master flip-floper in action. Plus, He's too old to be an effective President and to much of a hypocrit.
It is to his advantage to bend the truth in Iraq. He knows that his chances of winning the election increase if Iraq becomes stable. The web is full of videos on John McCain on Iraq. McCain hopes that his recent trip to Iraq will als oimpress voters.
The war in Iraq was lost in the first 6 weeks. We had a window of opportunity, but it was lost through inept handling and lack of planning by the Bush administration. Now, we have no option other than unceremonious retreat. Things will get bad, but then they'll get better again.
Pull our troops home and let's protect our borders.
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