Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hughes drops Republican link

I spoke at the Okaloosa County Democrats meeting Monday night. More about that in my column this Sunday, May 20.

However, I did pick up an interesting news tidbit that's worth sharing.

Like all county officials, Republican Okaloosa County Tax Collector Chris Hughes has a taxpayer-financed Web site. The Web site is part informational, and part promotion of Chris Hughes. For example, on the main page of the site, in large type, is a link to Hughes' biography.

Until Monday, if viewers clicked to Hughes' biography, they also were offered a link to the Republican National Committee.

Toni Craig, executive director of the Okaloosa County Democrats, found that link to be odd, given that all taxpayers are picking up the tab for Hughes' office and Web site. She mentioned her concern to an attorney who does work for Hughes' office, and the attorney mentioned it to Hughes. On Monday, Hughes removed the Republican link from his biography.

"To be honest with you, I didn't even know it was there," Hughes told me this morning. Asked who put it up, Hughes said he didn't know, but conceded, "It probably was put up by someone in here (the tax collector's office). As soon as I found out I removed it."

And there you have it.


At May 15, 2007 at 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

An important aspect of a two-party system is that it can encourage accountability. At times, elected officials may need a gentle reminder to be accountable to all the citizens they serve.

I applaud Mr. Hughes for his response to the inquiry, and moreover, I applaud the fellow Proud Democrat who wishes to remain nameless but who first pointed out the website link to me.

Now, how do I sign up for that envelope advertising gig?


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