Thursday, May 17, 2007

Leave McGuire's Alone!

It's bad enough that Fort Walton Beach officials are harrassing former city councilman Jim Tucker for a few stray chickens on his property.

Now, today's edition of the Northwest Florida Daily News reports that the state has ordered McGuire's Irish Pub in Destin to remove the creative signs on its bathrooms.

A father complained to the state after a college-age man walked into the women's bathroom while his 15-year-old daughter was in there. The man apparently misread the sign on the door. The father said his daughter was embarrassed and left crying over the incident.

As a result the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has threatened McGuire's with closure for "Lack of signage properly designating bathrooms."

I've personally seen the signs on McGuire's bathroom doors up close, and they are a little confusing the first time you see them. But to order their removal is a ridiculous waste of taxpayers' money. Gimmee a break!

I don't doubt that the father's word that his daughter was embarrassed by the incident. But if the man and his family don't like the bathroom signs at McGuire's, wouldn't a better solution be to simply not go into the pub anymore?

Let's get rid of the state bathroom sign police brigade immediately. Petitions to fight back are on the pub's doors. Let McGuire's be McGuire's!


At May 17, 2007 at 8:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. The 15 year old should be embarrassed because she can’t read. If she isn’t capable of using the restroom by herself her mother should have been there to escort her. This just seems like the nanny government democrats in action. They believe that people are incapable of thinking for themselves, so the government has to make every decision for everybody.

People are so overly sensitive and easily offended these days and think we need a law so everybody else has to be politically correct so we don’t offend their fragile feelings. They need to get over it and realize that everything isn’t about them. These selfish, self-centered people obviously think the world revolves around them and nobody else matters.

These spoiled little crybabies need to grow up and get a clue. Their parents may have spoiled them, and their schools may have convinced them that they’re special, so they have trouble adjusting to the real world.

These people obviously want everyone else to accommodate them and their preferences as if they’re the only ones that matter. If you have a problem with anything I just said it’s exactly that, your problem. It also means you’re one of the people I’m describing.

Personally I think McGuire's should sue the trouble making family.

At May 17, 2007 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I read this right, the girl is not at fault. She was in the female restroom that was invaded by a man that couldn't read the confusing signs, which according to the article in todays paper have both male and female on them. Is this correct.

At May 17, 2007 at 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think McGuire’s should get some national press on the issue, then auction the signs off on EBay. Of course if they did that some lawyer would try and sue to get the money for the “poor, scarred for life “victim””

At May 17, 2007 at 1:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a guy walked in on my 15 year old daughter in the rest room, assuming she was in the female restroom, I'd kick his ass. Problem solved, no government or state involvement. How do you people know this isn't some prevert.

At May 17, 2007 at 2:55 PM , Blogger Drew said...

Pat, you're wrong.

You guys are being...well, foolish. 8)

It's not the girl's fault! The sign is meant to trick people. It's a fun joke.

But if I had a little girl and a guy walked in on her while she was in the bathroom I'd put his lights out.

Put the signs in a bar restroom...not the family/"for everyone" restroom. You gotta think about everyone here, not just yourself.

Bottom line:'s funny, but not to everyone, especially when a little girl comes crying out of the bathroom because a man walked in on her. Just have some common sense and consider this your warning.

At May 17, 2007 at 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pub for cripes sake. The dear little thing should not have been there, legally, I'm thinking...

At May 17, 2007 at 5:44 PM , Blogger radariv said...

McGuires had done nothing wrong in the first place. If people learn to read and understand more clearly this would not have happened. Let the fateher of the teenager get a life.

At May 17, 2007 at 5:44 PM , Blogger radariv said...

McGuires had done nothing wrong in the first place. If people learn to read and understand more clearly this would not have happened. Let the fateher of the teenager get a life.

At May 17, 2007 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I don't get is why people are referring to a 15 year old as "a little girl" ten I can understand but 15 she needs to grow up and stop being a baby. And a pub is also so named because it's jsut that a pub not a place for anyone under 21.

At May 18, 2007 at 4:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure McGuire's would rather take the sign down ( I have taken people there just to "get them" with the signs) than have their place turned into just a bar or pub. When asked where they make their money I am sure the family vacation dollar is way up there. All the posts that say it is no place for kids, ask McGuires if they don't want kids there.

At May 18, 2007 at 4:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have myself been inattentive and was fooled by the signs. All that happened was that I got red faced and left immediately.

It is all in fun folks.

Nobody in actually walking into someone actually in the process of relieving themselves. All you see is just the front sink area.

Too much over reaction in today's society.

At May 18, 2007 at 6:59 AM , Blogger Jason said...

Apparently signs written in English are not allowed under Floriday law?

Maybe Florida people against this should start reporting anytime they see a sign with just a picture and file a complaint.

Seriously, if one family can complain over a sign written in English, other people can equally protest by fully exploiting the law.

At May 18, 2007 at 7:32 AM , Blogger Drew said...

If you haven't been to McGuire's, don't even comment. It's a family restaurant. It's advertised as a family restaurant. Hence, the 15 year-old girl being there.

Please don't post because you wanna hear yourself talk, have at least some facts to back yourself up.

If we didn't have so many freakin' child molesters and sex predators walking the streets there might not be a overreaction to these kinds of things in today's society. Just as a FYI: there are more than 100 (yeah, I said 100!) Sexual Offenders/Predators within a 5 mile radius of McGuire's, per the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.


At May 18, 2007 at 2:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because a guy got fooled by a joke sign, doesn't mean he's a sexual predator.
Why the heck didn't he check for feet under the stall? I'm assuming that's what he did, bust into the stall, if she was that upset. I have a 15-year-old girl, and it's a mystery to me how she'd react on any given day, much less in that situation. But I don't imagine she'd overreach that much. Is not checking for feet a guy thing? Do guys not look first before they try to go into a stall?
I must be missing something because I'm just not that shy about going to the bathroom. If you're that sensitive, maybe public bathrooms aren't a good idea, period, whether it's a pub or restaurant.
There's no big mystery, folks, a bathroom's only there for one of a very few reasons (I would say two reasons, but I guess you do have to wash your hands and such, too.) If you get caught doing one of those things, it's nothing to be ashamed of or to run out of the restaurant crying about.
I've walked out of a restaurant bathroom with my skirt tucked into my pantyhose.I've had a little kid I walked by put a spaghetti handprint on my ample butt in a restaurant, it's not the end of the world. I've even lived through some God-awful birthday singing in public. Sometimes you've just got to put on the big girl britches and get over it. I certainly didn't need the state to protect me from these indignities.

At May 24, 2007 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been to Mcguires in both Destin and Pensacola many times so I do "know what I'm talking about". Are the signs misleading? Yes. Might a man walk into the women's restroom and vice versa by accident? Yes. Would they see anything embarrassing? Not unless the person is going to the bathroom in the sink or otherwise in a state of undress outside the enclosed, lockable stalls. Could a pervert walk in? Yes, but they could do that in any public restroom. Mcguires would actually make it a lot harder for a crime to happen because the restroom doors are constantly watched by any other patron in viewing distance and after a few minutes someone would investigate. If the guy walked in, unlocked the stall somehow, and opened the stall door then I see why the complaint was filed. Otherwise, what was the harm? Mcguires is a pub/family restaurant so they do cater to entire families. But it seems to me that if hundreds of thousands (not an exaggeration) have been the butt of the joke and laughed it off, then why can one person ruin it for everyone? I think that either the girl or her father was being overly sensitive. Lighten up. The fact is, we have countless laws in place set by the vocal minority to protect the idiots from themselves and this is one more instance of how those laws can be used for one individual to run roughshod over the rest of us.
Suggestion: If someone can gather the signatures to place the plight of pigs in transport on the Florida ballot for constitutional amendment, (which they did and it passed), then someone gather the signatures to change the state constitution allowing the signs. I bet the support would be overwhelming.


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