Sunday, July 8, 2007

County spinmeisters

A source has shared with me a document from the Florida Association of Counties. The document, clearly marked "Not for Public Release,"is a blow-by-blow strategy they asked county officials to use to sway the public -- and the media -- against the state Legislature's efforts to lower property taxes and at the same time get local governments to tighten their budgets.

There's nothing wrong with such a document, and I'm not sure why the association wouldn't want it to be made public. I mean, surely they believe that John and Jane Q. Public should know how PR campaigns attempt to shape/manipulate taxpayers' opinions! Don't they?

Anyway, below is a link to the document. Let me know what you think of it.


At July 9, 2007 at 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Pat, I went over their list. So much for the "Sunshine Law." Than being said, having looked over the list, I did not see one, not even one cut in a elected persons' position. That says it all. I will encourage our state reps to cut cut and than cut some more. When we get the opportunity to vote on the even deeper cuts, you can be well assured I will vote in the affirmative. I am sick and tired of these people and the mess and wastefult spending they engage in. We the electorate need to wake up and do something about it next election.

At July 9, 2007 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last page is an example from Brevard County of programs facing cuts and reading over the list it seems that many of these programs are niceties, not necessities. And they’re really not the government’s responsibility in the first place, so they should be cut. Are aquatics and 4-H programs really something taxpayers should fund? I think the programs are great for kids who want to use them, but their parents are the ones who should bear the full costs of these programs, not the taxpayers.

There are also several programs that provide aid to the “needy.” These programs are not the government’s responsibility. If people wish to fund these programs they can donate to a charity that’ll provide these services, but the government is not responsible for every aspect of every person’s life.

If they can manage without cutting any public safety or vital programs then we should be able to manage as well. If these are the types of cuts we can expect then the tax relief is warranted.

At July 9, 2007 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to another blogger, I'm amazed by the lack of thought put into a response that suggests that community programs are not worth paying for.
Those people that are "needy" will stay that way if they are nor offered a helping hand from those with monetary influence. Will you commit to giving community programs all of the funds they need to function properly so as to remove the "needy" from their status? I didn't think so. Worry not, you're part of the majoirty. Most people are unwilling to give to a program that they do not benefit from. By that logic, the homeless should really be pitching in some cash to get them off the streets. Why don't they rent some office space and open a shelter for themselves. . .Oh yeah, because they're homeless and poor.
The government's involvement in funding community programs that help the "needy" are vital to our and every community. Otherwise how will the "needy" be able to afford the boot straps with which to pull themselves up.

At July 9, 2007 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're supposed to trust these people? after reading that, i noticed NO CUTS in the salaries, or ANY position cuts at all.
EVERYONE currently in office needs to be kicked out NOW.
these ah, idiots (being polite here)have totally forgotten the money they get IS NOT THEIR MONEY. they have done NOTHING to earn it, and yet they spend, spend, spend. if the whole crew resigned, or the .gov shut down it would be a beautiful day in this state. do NOT believe them when they cry doom. they are ALL LIARS, who are just after as much money as they can waste, i mean get. as for the needy, if you check a lot of them have been "needy" for a few decades/ generations

At July 9, 2007 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To our bleeding heart. You know why I'm not needy, because I choose not to be. Trust me, as a child money and food were scarce, but I survived and rose above it. Not with a government handout or charity, but hard work, at times four jobs. Don't give me the crap that we have to have hand-out programs, enough is enough. Billions have been spent helping the "needy" and guess what there still needy. The hell with them, its cold hearted yes but I am tired of paying their way. Get a damn job and quit crying.

At July 9, 2007 at 5:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will come as no suprise that I have a few thoughts regarding your response. You were obviously taught an impressive survival skill set. Having four jobs is no small accomplishment, I applaud you. It is people like you who have achieved so much through adversity that have something to give to those who did not gain the ability to survive. I do not believe that we should simply cast these people aside because they did not pick up the skills as quickly as we have.
You are also accurate in saying that billions have been spent to help those who have not. What you failed to mention is that many have turned their lives around with the help of services and programs, I agree that some have not. This is an ongoing issue that needs ongoing treatment and funds. Focusing on our community is the only way to show the "needy" that there is a way out and the cause needs people with your experience to lead the way.
Make a note: Empathy for another human does not require internal bleeding.

At July 9, 2007 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

use your empathy to pay for them. my give a damn's busted, along with my bank account. cut welfare off after 12 months. if you hav another kid, no extra check. no benefits of any kind for illegals. help end poverty and hunger. if you can't feed them, don't breed them. there's at least 500 to 750 million dollars per year (probably a lot more) saved statewide if these policies are implemented.

At July 10, 2007 at 5:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 2 if you want these programs you should fund them with your money from your bank account. But like a typical democrat you won’t do that, you’re real eager to spend somebody else’s money on your projects but loath to use your own money.

I do give to charity to help people that need help. I grew up as poor as anyone and worked hard. I lived in rundown areas most of my life and I know the mindset of the people in those areas. They won’t work until they’re forced to.

We’ve had an extremely low unemployment rate in this country ever since President Clinton enacted welfare reform, because people had to work. Welfare, food stamps etc should be a short-term safety net, not a way of life. I know families whose only income from one generation to the next is welfare. They won’t pull themselves up until they have no choice.

The problem with government programs is they start off small to help folks that really need help, but then grow unconstrained because everybody wants the handout. With charities they are limited by the donations they have so only the truly needy get help. Government workers have no incentive to ferret out the waste and fraud, charities do.

Besides some of these programs have been around for decades and as the economy continues to improve the people on these programs don’t. We should only help people help themselves. Instead of giving them a check we should provide low-cost transportation so they can get to work. If they’re not going to work to improve themselves there’s no sense wasting money year after year.

At July 10, 2007 at 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How typical! A Republican Governor and a Republican controlled legislature work overtime to provide much needed tax relief, then the Democrats go whining to the courts hoping an activist judge will thwart the will of the people of Florida.

Don’t for a minute think the mayor acted on his own, he surely did this in concert with the Democratic Party. And they likely picked the venue they did because they were judge shopping.

Why do Democrats think they’re better able to spend our hard-earned money than we are? Why are they so eager to give our money to people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves? Anybody who thinks these wasteful government giveaways are worthwhile should pay for them with their own money, not ours.

I can’t believe we have to spend so much money on these programs when the unemployment rate has been so low for so long and many employers can’t hire all the people they need.

At July 10, 2007 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent idea! Public transportation is absolutely something that would improve the chances for someone to get and keep a job. You're thinking! That's all it takes to start helping others.
I'm under the impression that you're confusing my care for others with someone who approves of people sucking welfare dry. you're mistaken.
There are many programs and services available that require a return for the efforts. People may come in and sign up for programs that will help them as long as they can prove that they are making changes. For example: showing pay stubs for proof of employment, monthly payments to the organization to continue their services. It creates a positive cycle. These organizations would not of course be able to run on $50 dollars a month from a few clients, they would require funding.
Since we're into assumptions, I assume that if you get your wish and cut funding for those "without", that you would then have no problem with the unimagineable homless population that would creep right up to your doorstep. I can't imagine that you're suggesting that would be acceptable.
i'm suprised that you speak about where you came from and use phrases like "those people". You were "those people", right? Stereotype is the name of this game not solutions.
Complaining about your "give a damn", and spouting about where you came from, isn't helping. Stop complaining and give us solutions.

At July 10, 2007 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The solution is simple. Every person should work and accept responsibility for themselves and their family. Just because somebody shirks their responsibility doesn’t mean the rest of us are obligated to fulfill it.

And your scare tactics sound silly. First we were told any tax cuts would mean fire stations would close. Now you’re saying if we don’t continue wasteful welfare programs there would be thousands of homeless aimlessly wandering up to our doorsteps, that’s funny.

Besides nobody’s stopping you from funding these programs with your money, just stop trying to spend other people’s money on the programs of your preference.

At July 10, 2007 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

READ the previous posts. some solutions are there. no welfare after 12 months. pump out another recipient, no extra $$$. if you're illegal, no $$$. simple isn't it?

At July 10, 2007 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our community should be everyone's concern. Be realistic.

At July 10, 2007 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether or not this was not to be released is a so what. Any agency of government works on one principle and that is "empire building". The bigger you get the more money you get the more promotions you have to get more money etc. Politicians and bureaucrats at all levels live and die by this rule. The county groups are just protecting their turf and jobs. I can't fault them for that. What I do fault is a lazy, ill informed electorate that let them get away with large tax increases year after year. Most county jobs are over paid for what they actually do. We need to replace all county comissioners each election until they get the healthy hint to quit raising taxes and rein in spending.


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