Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Capt. Taylor's rape case

For the past week, the Northwest Florida Daily News has provided front-page coverage of the rape trial of Eglin Air Force Base Capt. Devery Taylor.

On Tuesday, Taylor was found guilty of raping four men and attempting to rape two others. Earlier today (Wednesday), he was sentenced to 50 years in a military prison.

Not surprisingly, our coverage drew complaints from some readers who felt that we should not have put this story on the front page, or that we included too many details about the crimes.

At the same time, our trial coverage on our Web site drew significant page views all week long -- a clear indication of high reader interest.

I'm not surprised by the complaints; stories about rape make people, including this editor, feel uncomfortable. I'm also not surprised by the high reader interest; stories about unusual crimes also attract readers.

So, cyber editors, what would you have done? Would you have placed stories about Capt. Taylor's trial on the front page? Or would you have put them somewhere inside the paper? Or, would you have covered the trial at all?

Let me know your thoughts.


At February 28, 2007 at 6:18 PM , Blogger Drew said...

You went from calling us “anonymous chickens” to “cyber editors.” You want fries with that flip-flop burger?

Pat: "...stories about unusual crimes also attract readers."

...Yeah, I think we figured that out.

The rape trial definitely deserved the attention it got. Although, it did get a little redundant the past few days.

The only thing I complain about is that "one headline" when Didier, one of your headline writers, wrote "Defense: Gay sex was consensual" as the front page, main story headline. Some people feel that is was inappropriate for some readers, and that everyone's interests weren't taken into consideration when that headline was written, namely you're "Newspaper in Education" subscribers throughout Northwest Florida. (i.e. 10-12 year-olds)

But, other than that, your staff reported with great responsibility and fairness. Does that mean we can call the Daily News “fair and balanced”? Almost…well, your getting there.

And this is off topic, but what was with today’s headline on the suicide bombing story? “I heard a loud boom.” What kind of quote is that? And what fair and intelligent journalist would make that their main quote from a Vice President of the most powerful country in the world? And more importantly, what newspaper would run that quote as their main headline on their front page? Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner….The Daily News! You and I both know that quote is making fun of Cheney, and they only put it in the story because they’ll do anything to make him look bad that isn’t illegal. I mean, is it that hard to get a quote better than, “I heard a loud boom”? The answer is no, no it’s not.

And here’s an idea about all the senseless Hollywood media coverage: An AP editor instituted a ban on all Paris Hilton coverage in their stories. In a memo to AP staffers on Feb. 13, it said, “barring any major events, the AP would not run any mention of Paris Hilton on the wire.” Sounds good to me, how bout we add Anna Nicole Smith and goats to that list?

…I’m just sayin’

At February 28, 2007 at 6:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the trial is over because I'm tired of seeing that guys picture pop up everytime I log on to the website.

At February 28, 2007 at 11:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This anonymous cyber editor is very impressed by that editor's stunning competence and news judgment. For once, we're off the government waste issue and back on sex and violence or violent sex! You're good, man. Very good. And I'm not just saying that.

At March 1, 2007 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a T-shirt promo for this one, Pat?

At March 1, 2007 at 8:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat, take a chill pill. Your a good editor and I say the NWF Daily News is a good product. During your tenure the paper got better, what more can one ask for -you made a difference. It is my opinion that your job is to report the news, not as you see it but as it is. The overly sensative will look for reasons to fault you, I guess that goes with the turf. A story in this area about an Air Force Captain raping men is a big story, it to bad it happened, but it did happen according to hus jury and the victims. If someone does not like the headline, don't read it pure and simple. People need a lesson in the fact that they can turn the page or turn off the tv or radio if offended. But of course today, everyone is offended. Keep up the great job>

At March 1, 2007 at 9:15 AM , Blogger Drew said...

In reply to Tom W.:

You're darn right the Northwest Florida Daily News is a good product. No one (hopefully) denies that. Tom, I've got no problem offering Pat constructive criticism, because it's better than sugar-coating everything this newspaper, or any other news organization, does.

And it's not that "pure and simple" as you describe. This newspaper puts praise on its Newspapers in Education division, and if they are going to do that, they should take into consideration all the viewers. That's all I'm asking. No one's saying they can't report with the same responsibility and ethics as they always have.

At March 1, 2007 at 9:16 AM , Blogger Drew said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At March 1, 2007 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

that guy's picture is totally creepy.

At March 2, 2007 at 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just glad the guy's mug is OFF the front page-- he just looked so silly.

At March 2, 2007 at 10:42 AM , Blogger Eruan said...

I think the case received the coverage it deserved. I was offended by the words "Gay sex" in the title of that article, but it was still a case that deserved coverage.

At March 3, 2007 at 3:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I heard a loud boom."

What on earth is wrong with saying that or making it a headline. That is about all the VP could have said about the expolsion. He did not witness the event. Perfectly logical comment.

Also cannot fault the paper for printing that quote.

I too am glad the "gay" trial is over. Just like Anna Nicole Smith I think some things just do not deserve the publicity that they get.


At March 3, 2007 at 7:22 AM , Blogger Drew said...

I know why they chose that headline (which I won't discuss why they did), but was it the most informative headline they could've provided? They were the only newspaper in the country to run that headline, and no other newspaper ran anything close to it. I look at 100+ newspapers as part of my job, if the front page of your paper doesn't have a headline anything remotely similar to any of those hundreds of others on a world news story, than I'd say your paper was just plain ignorant. There were much more informative headlines that ran with that story that day. No, it's not really a big deal because the Daily News is such a tiny newspaper, but it should be the responsibility of the paper to provide the most informative, ethical, and responsible content to their readers.

So, I don’t know who’s writing your headlines over there, but they seem to be having a tough time conforming to the responsible standards of a respected news organization.

You guys get on to me for being hard on the Daily News, but I think they would appreciate a little more constructive criticism to make their product better, am I right Pat?


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