Goat t-shirts for sale
You gotta admire creative entrepreneurs. They see an opportunity, and they take advantage of the moment. And often, they have a sense of humor.
In recent weeks, the Northwest Florida Daily News has published a couple of stories about a goat in the Mossy Head area that law enforcement officials say expired after it was sexually assaulted by a man.
A bar in Crestview -- Gecko's -- is now selling t-shirts for $10 apiece that are clearly in reference to the goat incident. The back of the t-shirts shows a cartoon goat with a goofy look on its face, along with the saying, "What happens in Mossy Head stays in Mossy Head."
Here's a photo:

The idea man behind the t-shirts is John Whitley of Fort Walton Beach. Mr. Whitley said it's just something he and a couple friends decided to do for fun. He also wants people to know that he's an animal lover, and the t-shirts aren't meant to suggest that mistreatment of animals is OK.
So far, about 100 people have purshased t-shirts, and Whitley and friends are printing 200 more of them. They're also creating a Web site that should be operating by this weekened called getyourgoattees.com.
And now you know.
That's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. A joy to wear such a shirt in the area, on the heels of the story, I'm sure.
If "What happens in Mossy Head - Stays in Mossy Head." Why do I have to read about this crap. And the person that thinks its funny is one sick mo fo.
Funniest thing ever. Those guys are gonna get rich. Its a shame that this event will forever be connectd to Mossy Head. But like Kris Kristopherson says "Everybodys got to have somebody to look down on"..
I have one of these shirts and everyone wants one. Great idea!
to see this kind of thing play out is really a commentary on the current generation's caliber. similar "mockery in good fun" is present on message board forums, assorted websites, even on television. nothing's sacred anymore, and you can make a dollar doing pretty much anything, especially what people do best: being insensitive jerks. however, i'm not sure what is more disturbing to me: a t-shirt depicting a care-free attitiude toward sexual desecration of an animal, or a newspaper editor halfway glorifying it.
News Release: Ten time ABA All Star and four time ABA MVP, Tom Fadeaway today said in an interview on WSL Chicago Sports radio that he hated people who had sex with animals.
Did you guys know that the Daily News website with the original story of the "alleged" goat molestation has had close to 13,000 hits over the last month? More people think this is funny than is probably healthy. Unless of cousre there are 13,000 searching for goat sex. It may be the most sought after story in Daily News history. God bless America. YOu sick bunch of freaks.
Sick people. *sigh*
Well, on the upside, at least the perverts are coming out of the closet and labelling themselves for easy identification!
So what have we learned today, children? That it's not only okay to be a pervert, but it's also okay to make a buck off of it. AND it's okay for a newspaper editor to do free advertising for it. Tell me again why we should be putting Pat Rice's Backwoods Gazette into every classroom in Okaloosa County?
What would you rather put in every classroom?? The Christian Times?? Be real and let the kids grow up in the real world not some fake, false eutopia that you want to make up. GET REAL!
There's a difference between reporting heinous acts and making light of heinous acts. Asking for some decorum and maturity from the editor in the wake of an event like this is in no way a "eutopian" concept.
The goat was asking for it, by the way it acted and the way it was dressed.
We aren't sending this blog to the every school in OK county. This blog is for adults. And the article in the newspaper simply reported the facts.
Once again Pat Rice has made it quite evident that he lacks the maturity and sophistication it takes to legitimately tout himself as editor of a daily newspaper. I would think that any conscientious editor would find far more worthy and productive topics of interest than to provide free advertising for such a despicable act. Unless of course, he's collecting a piece of the action...
You know I live in Mossy Head I think that other people should keep their comments to theirself and not lower us here in Mossy Head. As for you you may have got your story but did you really think of us and what it would to the ones that live here. Thanks for making us a laughting stock. For the ones that are selling the T-shirts I wish I could put one of them so far up thier a. It,s people like them that always put thier mouth where it does,n belong. If what happens in Mossy Head should stay in Mossy Head. B.S. Mossy Head
You gotta be "kid"ding me. You have sex with 1 goat and all of a sudden people think your a pervert. It just so happens that a friend of mine bought me one of these shirts at the raceway gas station. Its fits kind of snug on me, but i wear it with pride, & cant buy a beer when i go out to the local bar. People love me... I'm a CELEBRITY
The person who posted "You know I live in Mossy Head I think that other people should keep their comments to theirself and not lower us here in Mossy Head."
Just how do you really spell THEIR? THIER? THERE?
Point taken
There are some sick puppies out there. Won't be long before we have a registry for these perverts.
Dead deer assaulted
The Register.
Can you believe it? The Register article states that the case hinges on the definition of 'animal'. Now where have we heard something like that before?
Um....I'm certainly no genius, but isn't it THEMselves?
As far as the rest, lighten the HELL up people. News is news. Period. IF a car bursts into flames, it's news to someone. If a preemie is born that's the size of my wallet in Florida, it's news.
I don't recall reading where Pat "glorified" the action. Wouldn't that have meant that he thought it was a good idea to mate with farm animals, or at least congratulated the fellow for testing unchartered ground?
Getting a cut of the action? Yeah...1 dollar out of every shirt goes to Pat Rice. He's idiot enough to jeopardize his career for 100 bucks....you idiot.
Why do you have to read this crap? Because one of your NEIGHBORS HAD SEX WITH A GOAT, that's why moron! If my neighbor raped a child, I would read about it and wouldn't get on some damn soapbox when Holley By The Sea became, for a little while "Predators By The Sea".
You DO have an option you know, and it'll save you 50 a day, and a buck fifty on Sundays....
anonymously outspoken,
The Freakshow
100.3 K-Rock
I find it interesting that the only way some can express themselves is to reduce themselves to that of name-calling. If tjk would stop his fuming and sputtering for a minute, he would see that it is not the content of the original article that is in question. Yes, as unsavory as the content was, the article was news. If you'll take a minute and review what this blog is titled it's "Goat t-shirts for sale". That is the discussion. Now take a deep breath, tjk...
I'm shocked by the response to the Editors Blog posting with regards to this subject. I happen to be the artist who provided the goat drawings for these and many other future Getyourgoattee.com tee-shirts that will be coming soon to a bar near you. Perosnally, I am shocked and deeply saddened by the negative and frankly, hurtful remarks that some have offered about myself and Mr. Whitley (CEO). We believe that our shirts will raise awareness about the serious Goat rape problem that is rampant in society. If the pressure these tee-shirts puts on a potential goat molester spares ONE goat from this this horrible fate, we feel our mission here has been successful. Any monetary rewards we may recieve (like 12.00 per shirt plus shipping and handling . cash check or money order accepted) pales in comparison to the feeling of pride and joy we recieve knowing we have given that goat a new lease on life. That he may go on living and growing to someday provide a hungry family with milk or goat chesse and a well manicured lawn. Thank you for your consideration or our feelings. Its not about money. Its about goats.
Harry (graphic artist and delivery boy)
I'm breathing just fine brother...between Jaeger shots.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it -
People in Mossy Head are mad at Pat Rice because a guy in Mossy Head had relations with a goat, and YOU'RE mad because the editor of the local paper mentioned that a guy made a t-shirt about it.
Should the newspaper be all gloom and sadness? The war and homeless? Murder and sickeness? Will THAT make you feel better?
If Pat and Tom and alllll the powers that be sat in the publishers conference room and decided, under a gloomy sky, artificial clouds and lightning filling the room, to just become the New York Times, would that make you happy?
Tom Connor "Pat, I only want you to report on sadness and sad things. As of today, I want serious news reporting. Get that overly happy Robbyn Brooks girl out of here, and let's have more of Wendy Victrola with homeless illegals".
Pat "MMWWAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAaaaaaa.... Yeeesss maaaasster. Only stories of dead puppies and serious news reporting"
Do your thing Pat, and jas, I'm CERTAIN that they would take your resume' into consideration if you wanted to hitch up the horse and buggy and bring one into town and drop it off.
T-Jizzle to tha Kizay
Live from K-Rock Broadcast Central
Ft. Walton Beach
Sorry if I sound harsh, but you just don't seem to get it, do you Mr. T-Jizzle?
No one’s mad at Rice because someone raped a goat in Mossy Head. People are upset at him because he published and gave free publicity to something in his newspaper that has no place in the newspaper. Are you even listening!
My grandma just got her bunyons cleaned today. By Pat’s terms, that’s news. It’s highly unusual news, but news nonetheless, right?! Where’s her plug on the front page of the paper?
I know newspapers are desperate for readers, but are you that desperate?!
A newspaper, especially one that has remarkable standards such as the Daily News, is not the place for crude humor such as this. Sure, on your radio station, it'd fit just right in with your content, no offense, I like the music. A rock station isn’t quite the same as a reputable daily Newspaper that has been trusted to report the real news in Northwest Florida for over 60 years. When you publish something in this newspaper, it should live up to the quality of its publication, and if it doesn’t, it better have a damn good reason to be in there…
No one said the news had to be all "gloom and sadness", as you describe. In fact, we could all use some "good", inspirational, and heart-warming news right about now. But, for some reason, people tend to be more drawn into news that "bleeds" because people think it tends to be more of a priority than "good" news.
And I don't know what the heck you’re trying to convey with your "good news vs. bad news, Robbyn Brooks vs. Wendy Victoria" comparison. (BTW, could you take the time to spell Wendy's name right?) Wendy does just as much "good news" stories as the hard news stuff. But, you would have to actually read her articles to know that, which apparently, you have not.
And you know what, T-Jizzle, how about you actually get some facts before attacking someone. I'm tired of people saying crap when they have no idea what the heck they are talking about, which, apparently, you don’t.
The 100.3 K-Rock Freakshow Goat Sex Tee? A live remote from the Mossy Head Gentlemans club complete with the back barnyard room. Hold on hold on I'm working here.
Harry -Getyourgoattee.com
Hey Harry, get it right "delivery boy" it is www.getyourgoattees.com not tee.com. Thank you!!!!
I cant believe there is a new goat tee available...
you guys are unbelievable.
Me and 2 other people I know have (and proudly wear) the goat tee all the way up here in Memphis. (Ok, 'proudly' might not be the word, but it is a LITTLE funny). Ya'll gotta lighten up. You're in laid back Florida, for God's sake!!
No one is glorifying animal abuse. And I doubt that anyone thinks any less of Mossy Head than they ever did.
Don't get me wrong, it is funny, although now it's getting a little out of hand with national attention which could hurt Mossy Head ultimately. Because not many people know Mossy Head even exists, and after this whole incident, it's going to known as the place where that one guy had sex with a goat. Next thing you know, they'll will have this goat on their city seal. And their official city motto would be, "What happens in Mossy Head stays in Mossy Head." And I'm sure the good people who live in that community won't find it funny for long if this thing keeps getting attention. But the shirt should not be given free advertising and praise from a newspaper, whose job it is to report the news, not influence it.
I think we've all had our laugh, now lets just move on.
I'm sure Mossy Head appreciates Drew's loyalty. Don't worry, Mr. Rice will stop writing stories and Mr. Whitley will stop selling shirts as soon as it stops being amusing. Until then, I'm having trouble pulling up the getyourgoattees site!!!?? Truth be known, the story wasn't nearly as entertaining as the goat shirts make it seem. I don't think Mr. Rice intended to promote their tee shirt sales at all. Those of us who bought the shirts and are waiting on the next ones made Mr. Whitley's endeavor news. If no one had thought they were funny, there wouldn't have been a reason to point them out.
Drew is correct. Lets move on to the next story as funny and unusual as the guy in Mossy Head having sex with his neighbors goat until it died. And the Mossy Head crime scene units investigation into the incident complete with a rape kit and DNA evidence. And then subsequent release of said animal molester, only to have him accused of stealing another goat a week later. These type of things are a dime a dozen around here.
I know Wendy personally, and won't take the time to explain the joke with the mis-spelling of the name.
Not sure where I implied that people were mad at Pat for a goat getting raped.....my whole thing is eveyone's giving him crap for publishing THAT story.
One guy said "why do we have to read this crap", I said "because one of your neighbors raped a goat".
someone said Pat was getting a cut on the t-shirts. I said he wouldn't risk his career over 100 bucks -
let's see...what else....I implied that because it happened...sick as it is, it's STILL news.....
Hold on....still reading.....OH...said you had an option to read...and it would save you money.
that was the 1st post.....
what else....
AHHHHH...HERE it is.... *copied*
People in Mossy Head are mad at Pat Rice because a guy in Mossy Head had relations with a goat, and YOU'RE mad because the editor of the local paper mentioned that a guy made a t-shirt about it.
Ok, I wasn't implying that anyone thought it was Pats fault the goat got raped. The implication was that NOBODY'S blasting GoatMan, just getting all over the editor of the paper for A. Letting it be a news story, and B. Mentioning that a guy made a t-shirt.
and "I get" that there's a certain "legitimizing" effect that a paper has over a "shock factor radio show". We all get that.
The unfortunate truth is you can't make everyone happy all the time. You're not happy with the content of that particular story, and that's your right.
We most often handle tragedy with humor. Sick as they are, that's why dead baby jokes exist, "What kind of wood doesn't float" and the like.
I guess the point I'M trying to make is if anyone here, reading or posting thinks they can handle that hotseat, then go submit a resume. I sure couldn't make that decision daily what to and NOT to print. NO WAY.
Ahh..by the way. I'm not fuming. I just type the way I talk...very animated.
SPEED DATING with assorted farm animals! We can get Pat to come out and be the guest EMCEE....
I want a T-shirt! Trade ya a K-Rock -
Well, if nothing else, I think every entrepeneur in FWB and the surrounding area with a creative and humorous idea should demand equal advertising space on Mr. Rice's blog. By the way, tjk, I really couldn't be your brother since I am of the female gender...
No Problem. It is done. We'll try to get by to thank you for your support of our noble cause. What size? Maybe you can help us with our probelm. I picked up the Daily News today and who'd of figured, not one word about goat sex? I thought the reading public had spoken, considering the 35 plus post to this very nice blog. Oh Well. Just killing time till the Mossy Head Hippie Fest March 30- April 1.
Harry -Getyourgoattees.com
No Problem. It is done. We'll try to get by to thank you for your support of our noble cause. What size? Maybe you can help us with our probelm. I picked up the Daily News today and who'd of figured, not one word about goat sex? I thought the reading public had spoken, considering the 35 plus post to this very nice blog. Oh Well. Just killing time till the Mossy Head Hippie Fest March 30- April 1.
Harry -Getyourgoattees.com
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