Tuesday, February 20, 2007

left vs. right

In most states, arguments over politics boil down to whether a person is a left-winger or a right-winger.

Now, though, the political debate in Florida centers on whether a driver is a a left-laner or a right-laner.

A bill under consideration at the state legislature would require slow drivers in the left-hand lane to move to the right-hand lane if approached by a faster vehicle.

This same issue is a long-standing source of debate in the Daily News Spout Off column.

Not to prolong the discussion, but shouldn't common sense prevail here? If two lanes are headed in the same direction and you're in the left-hand lane and you're holding up faster cars behind you, move over to the right. We don't need another law; we just need everyone to use their heads.

Anyway, them's my thoughts.


At February 20, 2007 at 7:13 PM , Blogger Drew said...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, stop the presses...here's an idea: How bout if we got everyone to drive the same speed, use their blinkers, and leave the appropriate amount of space in front of them?!

...But I guess this wouldn't work...because we all know that everyone driving the same speed on the same road in the same direction would be totally absurd.

Those thoughts right then there be mine.

At February 21, 2007 at 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe if we had roads capable of handling the amount of traffic on them we wouldn't have to have these silly debates on creating traffic laws to fix a problem that can only be solved by more roads or less cars!
And those are my thoughts in the nutshell!

At February 21, 2007 at 5:33 PM , Blogger Miss Trashahassee said...

Dear Editar:

The Man in Black had a sweet song about left vs. right. It wuz called "The One on the Right is on the Left," and it was about a "pickin', singin' folk group that sang mountain ballads and the folksongs of our land." The moral of that little ditty wuz don't let politicks git in the way when you is performin' shows or your singin' folk group will fade into obscurity. (Reckon there's some Hollywood types that could use that there advice?)

You can see the video and listen to the whole song by visitin' my profile an clickin' on the old blog. Here's an excerpt from the lyrickses:

...the one on the right was on the left
and the one in the middle was on the right
and the one on the left was in the middle
and the guy in the rear ...
burned his driver's license.

Now, that guy in the rear who done burned his driver's license probly was from Michigan an' he's the dude who drives 45 MPH in the left lane on I-10.

You is right. We don't need another law. But dadgone it, there oughta be a law. That's jus' a figure of speech, in case you is thinkin' I done gone bonkers.

Miss Trashahassee

At February 22, 2007 at 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we can just adopt New York City's horn rule! Someone moves too slow, blast them with your horn!! On second thought, the person in front of you probably wont hear your horn because they forgot their hearing aid! This is Florida, just relax, drive slower like our elders!!

At February 22, 2007 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it is a great idea but completely unenforceable and might even provide reason for us speeders to act more irrational than we already do. I think I have grown content with bitching and moaning and then slamming back a stiff drink when I finally make it home.

At February 23, 2007 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We test physical reaction to help officers determine if someone is too drunk to drive, but is it only drunks who react too slowly to be safe? How about conducting motor skill testing for all drivers to ensure that they can react fast enough to be safe on the road? Maybe the left lane "turtles" feel like they're already pushing the limits of their ability. If so, a new law to clear the left lane isn't going to help.

At March 22, 2007 at 6:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Ahhhhh, Pat....poor, poor Pat. You uttered the local nonsense word "common sense". You would have been more accurate if you had used oaf, boor, rube, rustic, buffoon, hick, nitwit...the list could go on and on. The sad thing is that most of these don't know that they are any of the above. One or two RPG's up the mufflers should convince the others.


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