Friday, February 23, 2007

Goat criticism

A few folks are beating me up for giving publicity to the man in Crestview who is printing t-shirts making light of the story about a goat that expired after it was sexually assaulted by a man in the Mossy Head area.

Sorry folks, but it's news when an entrepreneur does something like this. I agree, it's highly unusual news, but "unusual" is a news value, just like prominence, timeliness and proximity.

By the way, my blog about the goat t-shirts has received more comments than any other blog I've posted in the past three weeks. Go figure.


At February 23, 2007 at 9:12 AM , Blogger Drew said...

I let the "goat t-shirt" post slide, but now you're just sounding like an arrogant jack@$$ with this counter-attack.

An entrepreneur? You gotta be kidding me! It's funny, to a degree, but this is even below the "Who's Anna Nicole Smith's Daddy" story. Wasn't it you yourself who wanted the media to focus more on the real stories like what's really going on overseas, and the support for our troops, etc?!

And you want to know why your goat t-shirt story has received the most comments? It's because you put it on the front page of your newspaper. It only makes sense. Geez!

PLEASE! Just stick to reporting the real news or your paper is going to go straight down the gutter like many others in this nation.

We don't pay you for this crap; now get back to doing us a service.

At February 23, 2007 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hi!" "I'm Drew, and I'm not a self-important, overly serious jerk!!!!" eeerrrrr, Yes I am!
Lighten up, Drewster! You're paying for a product, all of which on a daily basis isn't manufactured to make the Drewster 100% happy. Now wipe that indignant, grumpy growl off of that greasy frying pan that you call a face and take a blood pressure pill, you moron!

At February 23, 2007 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat getting us posting is him doing his job. He works for a private entity too...not the government.

At February 23, 2007 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It shows a supreme lack of intelligence to reduce a discussion to a name calling.

At February 23, 2007 at 2:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that T-shirt, nor is there anything wrong with Pat printing something about it. The shirt is funny to some, and others might see it as a slap in the face to the people of Mossy Head.

Maybe the T-shirt guy will print a shirt with the face of Captain Devery L. Taylor on it, with the following text:

"What Happens in Destin, stays in Destin.

There now, Mossy Head residents...feel better?

At February 23, 2007 at 5:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I say Mr. Rice that it is the calibre of the editor that determines whether a particular topic is considered newsworthy or not. The fact that you considered the particular topic in question of such great import that you would go to the extent of not only providing free advertising, but a website as well, speaks volumes to your ability or lack thereof, to pick that which is newsworthy. I daresay that perhaps our newspaper needs someone else who has the ability to decipher that which would appeal to those in need of more intellectual stimulation than that which you would subject us to. Please give your readers a little credit. If the recognition of an individual's creativity and entrepreneurial spirit is what you were looking for, I am sure there are hundreds of much more worthy examples out there. This was certainly a poor choice to consider "news".

At February 23, 2007 at 8:29 PM , Blogger Drew said...

I stick to my comment, even though some may perceive it as "too hard on the guy."

Rice deserved to be called out for his immature actions of even thinking about plugging this story continuation on the front page of his newspaper.

I could care less if the newspaper makes me happy, but I do care if something is published in the newspaper that has no logical place at all in a publication with such a high standard of ethics.

I'm not going to lighten up until Rice apologizes for his actions. And I, like many others, will be all over him about this until he does just that.

It was one thing to post the "t-shirt" story on this blog, but when Rice continued with it in the paper, it just caused me to call him out, which he deserves. And this little smart @$$ post of his to slap us in the face just makes me even more frustrated.

Stop thinking about yourselves, for once!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. 8)

At February 23, 2007 at 10:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The documentary "Zoo" was just screened at the Sundance Film Festival.
Perhaps there will be a "Zoo-II" in the offing and filmed in the Panhandle. Seems that this perverse behavior is happening throughout the nation. Of course if humans are only animals what is wrong with inter-species sex?

At February 24, 2007 at 10:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Mossy Head and I don't think the shirt idea is funny at all. What happened to the poor goat could a have been one of your childern. I think if many of us knew who this man was that has done this he wouldn't be living in Mossy Head for long we would run him out of our community!

At February 24, 2007 at 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm shocked by the response to the Editors Blog posting with regards to this subject. I happen to be the artist who provided the goat drawings for these and many other future tee-shirts that will be coming soon to a bar near you. Perosnally, I am shocked and deeply saddened by the negative and frankly, hurtful remarks that some have offered about myself and Mr. Whitley (CEO). We believe that our shirts will raise awareness about the serious Goat rape problem that is rampant in society. If the pressure these tee-shirts puts on a potential goat molester spares ONE goat from this this horrible fate, we feel our mission here has been successful. Any monetary rewards we may recieve (like 12.00 per shirt plus shipping and handling . cash check or money order accepted) pales in comparison to the feeling of pride and joy we recieve knowing we have given that goat a new lease on life. That he may go on living and growing to someday provide a hungry family with milk or goat chesse and a well manicured lawn. Thank you for your consideration or our feelings. Its not about money. Its about goats.

Harry (graphic artist and delivery boy)

At February 24, 2007 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaargh, grab your pitchforks folks and torches. We're going to run a goat rapist, a screen-printer and an editor out of town. Welcome to our century. As Rice said "News is News". Sure he put it on the front page....the farthest bottom left corner that's maybe 2"x2". Oh my goodness! What is the world coming to? The humor of the shirt is dark, yes. But it is still humor and it is still an event. The energy being spent on get angry about the entire thing is silly. The people complaining are the same people who are still mad that "Ziggy" isn't in the comics anymore.

At February 25, 2007 at 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the story of a pervert who got more than what he bargained for. This nortorious case became the documentary Zoo that was recently screened at Sundance.
Seattle Times

At February 26, 2007 at 4:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. Beastiality is not a crime in Washington? But I'm guessing those left wing wierdos still can find it OK to make fun of the Mossy Head guy. Considering he wasn't doing it under the supervision of an officially licenced animal sex farm. Time for the gaot sex tee shirt guys to move west.

At February 27, 2007 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, is this goat lover going to get charged or what? Has the coroner determined whether the departed was assaulted prior to its demise or its demise preceded the assault? In any case we are talking about a really sick weirdo.

Here is another one. They're everywhere.


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