Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is anonymity necessary?

I enjoy writing this blog, and greatly appreciate readers' comments to it.

And I love The Breeze and our online polls. And I DEFINITELY love Spout Off. And I love the comments many readers place at the end of articles we publish on this Web site.

All of these efforts have greatly increased our interaction with our audience, and they have greatly increased the degree of ownership the audience has of this Web site and the Northwest Florida Daily News.

But here's what bugs me. Why do so many people who leave comments choose to remain anonymous?

I understand that some features, such as Spout Off, publish anonymously, so it hardly makes sense for those who write Spout Offs to give their names. I get that.

But I don't understand why so many people who post comments at the end of stories, or who post comments on my blog, choose to remain anonymous.

Do people really have that much fear that their comments will lead to retribution of some sort? Are many of you simply shy? Or what?

The ones who bother me the most are those who post mean-spirited anonymous comments. To me, those people lose a good amount of credibility. If you're going to take a shot at someone, you should be willing to put your name to it.

What's everybody else think about anonymity?

Let me know. And yes, it's fine with me if you wish to remain anonymous in responding to this request. And no, I don't plan to stop people from posting anonymous comments.


At July 12, 2007 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I became "hikinmike" when I worked in a another community. My employment was in a DOD supplier of intelligence gathering systems. I wanted to engage in public discourse and 1) avoid any complications with the employer and 2) avoid the appearance of disclosing 'insider' insight.

Since leaving that employment, 'hikinmike' has become like a CB handle. Also, knowing how some wackos can go off the reservation, I like not receiving crank calls on my home phone...the wife has us listed in the phone directory.

Being a conceited, vain and arrogant sort of olde pharte, I'd occasionally enjoy having acquaintances admire my cleverness. But anonymity is better than midnight harrasment and incurring the wife's scorn.

At July 12, 2007 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what he said, lol.

At July 12, 2007 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah-h-h-h.... the maelstrom of freedom of speech. When is it necessary to be accountable for the words? When are the words actionable?

The NFWDaily News has done a great service in this County--you have opened public discourse. Our representative government is all about public discourse and the right to free speech. Please keep it up-- anonymous, or not. Let them vent.

It is my opinion that anonymity gets its just Banana Foster (i.e., desserts [or is it deserts]). Anonymity decreases credibility and weakens the words parlayed. If one fears for retribution, then the retribution should be addressed. Hiding from retribution is no solution to cure oppression.

More likely than not, any political comment/discourse, whether with or without malice, is protected speech. [Unless you blatantly make a false statement knowing it to be true.] It takes a LOT to overcome the political speech hurdle in slander/libel actions.

Nonetheless, if someone wants to make a difference in this community, they MUST assign their name to their words. Otherwise, just as I heard J. Jazz say at the most recent county meeting, "I don't care about Spout Offs." Our elected officials need to know that the speaker is a constituent.
So, if you take the time to write it, take the time to own it.

At July 12, 2007 at 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, knowing it to be false, that should have said.

At July 12, 2007 at 11:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a moderate on most issues and sometimes right or left, I think in this area I would rather remain anon. After having worked in a state position for many years and having worked in a university environment for 5 of those years, it has occurred to me that not a single person has a correct answer for every problem. This forum provides a vent for some , insight for others,and ideas for all. Partisan

At July 13, 2007 at 5:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with hikinmike that you never know what somebody will do these days. With all the hate being spewed in politics these days you never know when somebody who takes exception to a comment might become violent or resort to other means to harass somebody they disagree with.

You could however require people who want to post comments to sign in and have a username. That way nobody knows the true identity so posters don’t have to worry about some radical whacko, but they’ll own the comment. If they comment regularly, people can determine how credible they are or if they’re just some radical hater by their previous comments. Most message boards do that, so it should work well here.

At July 13, 2007 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anonymity necessary? Perhaps, but what surprises me Pat is your questioning its need being in the media. Hardly a day passes that I don't hear from the media, newspaper, tv, internet, radio talk shown and news the term "unnammed source" or "someone close to the matter that request anonymity." I guess its the American way, me I stand by my comments and thoughts with a name. I have to agree with other bloggers here that things are weird today but I don't think were over the edge "yet". I voted for John Kerry last election and made no secret of it. Not very popular in this particular area but I'm still here today. I like the forum as it is and enjoy it just the same, name or no name, agree or disagree its all good to me. As far as mean spirited blogs, I don't think that is the was they are written. People are frustrated and powerless. Our elected representatives and all levels, are windbags taht say one thing to get elected and than go with the status quo. Voting out of offce, impeachment, or removal from office have been made nearly impossible. The system protects its own. Classic example Mr Jazzmano, alot of change promised before being elected same ole same ole after. The Democrats swept into power this past election, so what nothing has or will change. So you see your forum is a good venting tool, a thoughts and idea pool, keep it up.

At July 13, 2007 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test

At July 13, 2007 at 9:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need my anonymity to protect the fact that I am a masked crimefighter by night.

At July 13, 2007 at 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staying anonynous keeps the mean-spirited personal attacks that much farther away. I see your point, however and I've always been a fan of accountability.
I'm In.

At July 13, 2007 at 1:08 PM , Blogger Drew Buchanan said...

I just say I'm Michael Moore and no one ever takes me seriously...

At July 13, 2007 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my case, I want to own my words; even though I have taken heat from anonymous threat callers and others that bothered my family members due to my political leanings. I also don't want a Google account. When you check "other" in your identity choices, the heading always comes up anonymous. Therefore, I try and sign it at the end of my posting in the text block. If I don't sign it in the text block, then I didn't write it, or I may forget. You don't leave any way to own your work without adding to the Google block which leads directly to the administration's warentless surveilance on American citizens. Maybe the others don't want to be rendered to Poland and water boarded by Cheney or his local sychophantic wonks.
Mike Novosel Jr.

At July 13, 2007 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Tom w and Charlie G,
Two such unique names no one could possibly say you weren't being completely open with your identities. Anonymity or lack thereof really only matters if you are making allegations that needs to be substantiated. If you are commenting on a story, or just giving an irrelevant blurb to a post, then anonymity if fine. As I have been reading these posts for some time I don't really see the mean spirited and personal attacks that often. The few times I have seen it has been in the breeze section where you needed to sign in with a screen name that is registered with your email address so I don't feel that is very anonymous. I can speak for myself and my roommates who used to use the breeze forum quite a bit and stopped due to the high volume of personal attacks from other users. If you check out the breeze section you will see it has dwindled to all but about 3 people posting to it and they are very anti religion which is quite a turn off in the bible belt. But clearly from the posts even from your own staff that is what you are going for in that section so I left them to it. Sad really, the news journal seems to have gotten it right with they way they run their website and each user signs in with a registered screen name that is verified through email.

At July 13, 2007 at 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One last comment.....Pat; why don't you ask about our President's "Signing Statements?" first off, they are not constitutional. Either the law is a law.... or it isn't. If the people pass a law, and it is adopted without VETO; due to the overwhelming wishes of our citizens; and the congress ARE the citizens..... that law is for EVERYONE. Second; even though by their actions, the President and VP DICK Cheney, Gonzales et al seem to have nothing but contempt for the law of the land. Signing statements are a direct sign and proof of their contempt for our laws. Why don't you ask the locals to weigh in on Signing Statements? Laws seem to be obsticles in the way of the republican administration's agenda or proof of their past proclaimed "contract ON America." Please Pat, consider writing a comment, to be commented on by our local citizens.
Mike Novosel Jr.

At July 13, 2007 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you change the "rules" of this comment section for your blogger, then I'm go thru the trouble of signing up for a Google account (that's appears to be necessary to avoid the anonymous tag). Until then, I take the lazy way out, and anonymous it is!

And in this town, I had a Kerry bumper sticker on my car. Had is the keyword, the election is passed and having it displayed on car seen like asking for trouble. And everyday I checked to see if my car had gotten keyed or damaged, because the level of hostility to Democrats and the Democratic Party in the papers Letters to the Editor borders on crazy.


At July 13, 2007 at 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like and agree with what everyone else had to offer so far, and I want to add my $0.02 worth!

Some of us want to keep our private lives and our jobs separate. I don't talk or act on the matters discussed in the newspaper in my job, and I sure don't want anyone disrupting my work because they disagree with my opinion about something that is not work-related! It is hard enough to keep boundaries between my personal space and my work space, as it is!

Then there was the embarassing and humiliating situation where a reporter asked me a question, I answered, but the reporter said I said something quite different from what I actually said.

So, from where I'm sitting, it looks like I have two choices: I can either not talk to you at all, or I can write my own comments and insist on keeping my anonymity.

At July 13, 2007 at 6:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am unanimous in this.

At July 13, 2007 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey avidreader,

If you don't like the Daily News' website, or content on it, then leave. I like to take Fox News' approach of "if you don't like us, turn the channel" attitude.

Almost every dang post you make is some kind of complaint or negative comment about something on this site.

Alright, I've had my say...

At July 13, 2007 at 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymity, its easier than being verbally lynched by a mob for not being one of them.

Anonymity allows me to say... "I have voted in every election since I was 18 and I did NOT vote for Bush in either the 2000 or 2004 elections. I do not support his domestic or foreign policies, and if we as Americans don't get our heads out of our asses, the legacy we are leaving our children and grand children is going to be one for which they will suffer immense consequences because of our lack of action NOW!"

It also allows me to say, "I am a Florida Native and I don't care how long you have lived here, YOU WILL NEVER be a Native. Native by marriage does NOT constitute Native either, so quit trying to claim it as your own!"

Anonymity, it keeps the old fart bullies of our area from cursing and chastising directly for exercising my natural born right as an American in accordance with the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a forum that asked for my opinion in the 1st place.

Anonymity, a safe place.

At July 13, 2007 at 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

gee anonymous I believe I said I did leave that part of the website. As I live in this community I keep in touch with the news from our local paper. The editor asked for opinions and I am sure he would be just as interested in reasons parts of the online forums work or don't work. The parts I and my roomates enjoy we use and the parts we don't like we don't use.
As for the other website mentioned, I use both when I am home as the other website is just a click away. Perhaps if you expanded your horizons you wouldn't be a narrow minded anonymous ...
Just for info anyone can use this name so any other posts may be someone wanting to use another's name to prove a point

At July 13, 2007 at 9:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just kidding and proving a point any name used on the website is only as honest as the person typing it in and the previous post was clearly not tom w but neither was the first post my roomate avidreader, I believe if you look at her posts you will see a much different style as we are about 20 years apart in age.

At July 14, 2007 at 5:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to avid, neko or whoever.
Now that is funny
Keep pissing off these old timers it's fun to read.
For the record I agree about the breeze let those guys alone they are no fun to play with

Keep it anonymous, we are curing the worlds ills here we are talking about them. Lighten up

At July 14, 2007 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops I did of course mean we are not curing the worlds ills.
Good thing my english teacher doesn't know who I am

At July 14, 2007 at 7:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOur right, Tom W is kind of weak, I'm the first Tom W. "W" standing for Wisniewski, were in the open now aren't we.

At July 14, 2007 at 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear avidreader,
Would you like my blood type as well? It isn't an obvious name, no, but it is mine.

At July 14, 2007 at 7:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Charlie keep your blood, I just got a kick out of the fact that you state your "in" with lifting anonymity then sign the name Charlie G like that clears it up for everyone.
Very Funny

At July 15, 2007 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Rice, I'd like to make two points.
I don't post in the Breeze but I did like to read it. However, it has been taken over by a couple of intellectual idiots. No one can convince these posters they are wrong because they are self-righteous. Too much intelligence not enough common sense. I've run into a few people like this in my life and prefer to remain anonymous in posts to avoid personal attacks.

It appears to irk journalists to have posters remain anonymous (agreeing with Tom W) yet journalists use anonymous sources all the time. The difference is journalists know the source and the public doesn't. The shoe is not so comfortable on the other foot, right? We should trust you when you use an anonymous source but then you question our reluctance to be named.

From my experience, journalists are always seeking to uncover some dirt (real or not) and when we remain anonymous you have no ammunition. Jaded point of view? Probably, but as I said, I'm speaking from experience.


At July 18, 2007 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymity is often necessary.
But I don't see why anyone would not at least use a screen name in posting comment to a blog.
I wonder, Pat, if the volume of Letters to the Editor has waned since Spout Off and the blog comment sections have been instituted?
Anybody who cant figure out who Azferret is can just check the Rayvings archives at the Daily News! lol
Keep them thinking, Pat!!!

At July 19, 2007 at 6:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I signed into Google and left a comment, EVERYONE would know who I am (yes, I have that obvious of a username that people would know right away who I am!). I prefer to stay anonymous because of the profession I work in and many influential people I come in contact with. No one needs the fear of their dirty laundry being exposed if they were to know who was posting comments (not that I would ever do that to the people I associate and am friends with). I also agree with the people who posted their fear of retribution if others were to find out who they were -- as long as we all "play nice", what's wrong with a little bit of anonymity?

Sign me as "Anonymous in FWB"

At July 23, 2007 at 8:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymity IS necessary for the same reason The Daily News never identifies the author of its editorials. Many of us have views and opinions that could alienate our friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, customers etc. Today's society harbors many extremists who could possibly retaliate against those with contrary viewpoints. Anonymity is the safety valve for those who wish to voice opinions without fear of retaliation. This is the same reasoning used by many engaged in law enforcement, professions and public commerce for not having their phone numbers listed.


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