Monday, March 5, 2007

Ann Coulter's bigotry

I'm ashamed to say that Ann Coulter is a member of my profession, but unfortunately her hate-filled diatribes can still can drum up a crowd.

Speaking Friday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, Coulter ended her remarks by referring to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot."

Sadly, many in the audience clapped.

I know a lot of conservatives, and most of them are good people. But Coulter is not one of the good people. She's a bigot, and she uses a hateful message and name-calling to divide people, and to line her own pockets with money.

Good conservatives in Northwest Florida ought to denounce Coulter, and I hope they use this blog space to do just that.


At March 5, 2007 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservatives in mass should indeed denounce Ann, however it isn't happening. Just like the American Muslim community not taking a hard stance againtst terrorist and the killing od innocenent people. It tell me that if your not against it, your for it. And I don't makke any separation for our local home grown types. Are their a fer rational people that are offended by Ann's crap, sure but as a whole they are enjoying the show.

At March 5, 2007 at 11:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This kind of rhetoric is commonplace during elections, so get ready for another two years of it. It shouldn’t happen, but it does. President Bush is routinely compared to Hitler, and called even worse names than Edwards was. Before that President Clinton was treated to the same kind of diatribes. Public figures in the political arena are criticized, scrutinized, taken to task and attacked in the media. It’s been like this for over 100 years, and in this politically charged climate will continue for the foreseeable future.

At March 5, 2007 at 2:27 PM , Blogger Drew said...

You could say I'm a conservative, and glad to be one.

Ann Coulter is right up there with Michael Moore. (No pun intended) Pat, any sane person knows Ms. Coulter is not a journalist. And for the life of me, I have no idea why she gets invited to speak at these events and on news shows. On SOME things she starts to lead us to believe she might be right for once, but just when you think you want to yell "amen!" she goes off the deep-end and starts ranting and exaggerating and eventually leading to this crapola that she has just started up. This name-calling and hateful speech does no good for anyone. And if anything it distracts people from the news that really needs to be covered and watched.

So to make it official: As a Northwest Floridian Conservative, I DENOUNCE Ann Coulter.

Pat, once again, lets get back to the real news. And lets stop distracting ourselves and covering news of so-called journalists making themselves news. Which defies the point of being a journalist at all.

At March 5, 2007 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone should denounce such a show of bigotry and bias. (If I were blonde, I'd be looking for a different color of peroxide)Coulter had to find something derogatory to say about a candidate that is relatively clean. Edwards is doing an excellent job at grassroots efforts rather than catering to the DNC. (Can you imagine Clinton or Obama in dungarees and button up, standing on a chair in a New Hampshire living room, or in the boroughs of New Orleans with a shovel in hand?) As a Proud Democrat, I am very proud of fellow attorney and candidate John Edwards. He will rise above this garbage, and such a slur will only increase his support. He is the "man with the plan" and deserves great credit! He continues to announce his specific ideas (rather than generalities) regarding universal health care, welfare reform, support of unions, foreign policy, and immigrants. Take this moment to meet him better:

At March 5, 2007 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. This anonymous cyber editor also denounces Ann Coulter, who by the way, is not a member of Pat Rice's profession but rather a professional harridan and right wing provocateuse. She makes her money the same way side show barkers do: come look at the three headed snake! In this case though it's the politically grotesque she is hawking. I in general agree with Pat on this one. Don't give her any more ink.

At March 6, 2007 at 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat, I'll denounce Ann as soon as you denounce Bill Maher, Al Franken, and the many locals who call President Bush and Dick Cheney equally hateful names. By the way, she was making a joke about going into rehab if she were to call Edwards a "faggot", mocking Isaiah Washington from Grey's Anatomy who went into rehab after calling a co-star a "faggot". Rehab is the liberal cure-all. Let's be fair when we call for denouncements.

At March 6, 2007 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:54, you aren’t drawing a fair comparison.

Keep in mind that Ann Coulter, unlike her liberal counterparts, used a slur that's unfortunately common in the U.S. today against a group of people struggling to achieve equality.

I grew up in Dothan and spent high school in Niceville. I've been called a faggot more times than I can remember. I've been threatened, attacked, and denied opportunities because people who consider themselves morally superior decided that being gay made me less human.

When someone calls you incompetent, ugly, or a bad leader, you can debate that. When someone calls you "faggot," "nigger," or "spick," it does more damage, because it's something you can't change. Someone is criticizing you based on the way you were born. I can't debate that I'm gay, because I was born that way and refuse to spend my life lying to others and to myself.

So, while I do agree that liberal comedians do display a general lack of respect towards the executive branch, I would assert that Coulter's comments did more damage, because by showing young conservatives that it's okay to call your enemies “faggots”, she condoned years of discrimination and hate-motivated crimes against gays and lesbians whose only crime was being honest with the way they were born.

At March 6, 2007 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew, lets add "Red Neck" to the list. I've heard liberal comedians poke fun at "Red Necks" on multiple occasions. Where's the liberal outrage and calls for denouncement? Blacks openly use the "N" word far more then any other group of people. Where's the liberal outrage and calls for denouncement? Bill Maher recently said that we wished Dick Cheney would have been killed during a recent terrorist attack. Where's the liberal outrage and calls for denouncement? Don't expect special treatment just because you were born gay. Every child and adult gets bullied from time to time. What makes you special?

At March 6, 2007 at 3:20 PM , Blogger Drew said...

To anonymous @ 2:27:

I think your talking to Grant?

At March 6, 2007 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She's a bigot, and she uses a hateful message and name-calling to divide people, and to line her own pockets with money."

Interesting sentence there. In the same breath, Ann Couler is called a bigot and then denounced for her name-calling! Do I sense a bit of hypocrisy?

At March 6, 2007 at 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think asking to be treated like a human being constitutes "special treatment."

At March 6, 2007 at 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grant, I have a place for you in the DEC. Go to! All humans can choose who they will be and what they can do. All other humans must respect it! (Something here about the "pursuit of happiness.") Coulter fosters a sense of hatred that no one should condone!

At March 7, 2007 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, by the way Anon 2:27, it wasn't my intention to wax poetic about the emotional ouchies I got in middle/high school, because a) it would be incredibly emo/Lifetime Movie of the Week of me, b) no one cares, and c) I'm over it.

It wasn't that bad anyway; as most of you know, a majority of bullies are all talk, and if you stand up to them, they back down. It toughened me up.

What I wanted to call attention to was the fact that Coulter cleared the way for anti-gay individuals to call names instead of discussing our differences rationally.

At March 8, 2007 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To eruan:

"A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own" - Wikipedia

It's not hipocracy if it is the truth.

At March 8, 2007 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anon 12:01

I never said that Ann Coulter wasn't a bigot. However, the hypocrisy that Mr. Rice calls her a name and then comes down on her for calling names.

If I said "Joe is an idiot. He calls others names." I'm being a hypocrite, because I came down on Joe for calling names, when in fact I myself called Joe a name. Even if he IS an idiot, it's still name-calling.

At March 13, 2007 at 11:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss the days when the voie of Conservatism could be found n he likes of Barry Goldwater or Wm. F Buckley.

At March 14, 2007 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to hikinmike's comment. Those guys were articulate! Coulter is merely outrageous!

At March 15, 2007 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "name-calling and hate-filled diatribes" that divide people, perhaps you could start by printing fewer Sam Patti screeds? Just a thought from a member of the 'party of treason"...


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