Tuesday, March 13, 2007

veterans health care

Revelations that out-patient care is shoddy at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have led to three high-level resignations in the past two weeks.

Now, the media and Congress are focusing on the care veterans receive at Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics across the country.


For years, veterans in Northwest Florida have registered legitimate concerns about the distance they have had to travel to receive care at Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics. A clinic is finally under construction at Eglin Air Force Base. It's slated for completion in 2008. Why it took so long to build a VA clinic in an area with this many veterans is a mystery, and perhaps a symptom of the disconnect between our federal government and the veterans who deserve the best care available.


At March 13, 2007 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The government stole out promised benefit when the US Supreme Court refused to hear Col Day acting on behalf of millions of veterans. We were forced to receive care (promised free) for a cost. The VA is staffed at insufficient levels to provide care to those entitled to it. Nobody cares, and when a few more weeks pass, the stink over Walter Reed will be over and things will return to business as usual, which isn't a good thing. Until out elected representatives get their heads out of their asses and provide more than lip service to veterans, nothing will change.

At March 13, 2007 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First the Clinton administration, then the Bush administration wanted to significantly raise the premiums retirees pay for Tricare Prime. And institute an exorbitant new fee for Tricare Standard users. Now they want to give free healthcare to people who won’t provide for themselves. I don’t understand why politicians want to give career criminals and idlers better benefits than career military members. It only adds insult to injury to charge the career military to pay for their pork barrel socialized medicine.


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