Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ridiculous speed limits!

Time to share some Daily News associate complaints about speed limits we find to be ridiculous for one reason or another.

My current worst speed limit is on the newly expanded stretch of Hurlburt Field Road between Beal Parkway and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Taxpayers just spent a few million dollars expanding this stretch into four very smooth lanes with a turn lane in the middle. But for some reason, the speed limit is 25 mph. Which no one obeys. Which, I suppose, is why I see deputies and even state patrol pulling people over on this stretch.

The problem isn't the speeding drivers. It's a speed limit that is way too low!

When I mentioned this in the newsroom this morning, reporter Wendy Victora immediately pointed out the 45 mph stretch of State Road 85 near Okaloosa Regional Airport. The speed limit there was decreased from 55 mph after the road was repaved with asphalt that can't safely handle higher speeds when the pavement is wet. Presto, another speed trap for motorists.

And Entertainment Editor Brenda Shoffner pointed out that a section of Beal that used to be 45 mph, but is now 35 mph. Anyone that drives this stretch knows that it's almost impossible to keep to that speed limit.

I say, let's adjust speed limits so that they're reasonable. Do you agree or disagree? And do you know of other stretches that are unfairly slow, or perhaps need adjusting downward. Share your knowledge.


At July 17, 2007 at 7:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did Racetrack Road move down to 40 mph when they repaved it but College BLVD that replaced Wolverine road move up to 45 mph. I think the people in FWB that are responsible for speed limits, road studies, anything with traffic we need new over seers.

At July 17, 2007 at 8:51 AM , Blogger dustin said...

They just done hwy 90 from crestview to the yellow river bridge. Once the project was completed they lowerd the speed to 45 mph. Now this is a 4 lane road with a median, and once it goes down to 2 lanes heading to Holt the speed is 55. Now 45 on a 4 lane w/ median 55 on 2 lane where no one pays any mind to whats going on, and the wooden crosses to prove it!

At July 17, 2007 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try driving the speed limit (24mph) in downtown FWB. Someone will run you over!

At July 17, 2007 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OPPS 25mph

At July 17, 2007 at 8:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eglin Parkway on both sides of Cinco Bayou bridge -- ridiculous.

At July 17, 2007 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's ridiculous for any four-laned road to have a speed limit less than 45 mph. I have a lead foot, and it's nearly impossible for me to ever go 25 mph.

Might as well just use a bicycle.

At July 17, 2007 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm under the impression that the police won't even, on most occasions, site you for going less than 10 mph over the limit, therefore they set the speed limits low knowing that drivers will go at least 10mph over the limit. I say that they should bring the speed limits up to what the road is built to handle and enforce the correct speed limits for the road.

At July 17, 2007 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it kind of ridiculous and somewhat immature (or try 'lack of taking responsibility) to state that one simply cannot drive that 'slow'? It's not an issue of not being able to, it's an issue of not WANTING to.

Granted, most of the examples are IMO legit, there are certain areas in and around town where the speed limit could be higher without endangering anyone, but alas, that's the law.

We can definitely try to change it, it's a free country, but if everyone goes about breaking laws, simply because they think they're silly or they "can't" (won't) obey them... that's another issue... not?

At July 17, 2007 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that the engineers that build the roads determine what the "safe" speed for each road is.
They use a lot of complicated mathematics to determine that indeed, the asphalt is Wal-Mart quality.
They even have lengthy reports to justify speed limits for each type of road whether it's a rural route, urban, four lanes, two lanes, paved, not paved, median, no median...it goes on and on.

At July 17, 2007 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

55 mph road go cheep with 25 mph asphalt..what next?

At July 17, 2007 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Bob said...

Re. the 45 mph stretch of State Road 85 near the airport - Why don't they put up a "slippery when wet" sign and leave the speed limit at 55? Since the pavement is dry more often than it's wet, I think the limit should reflect the "average."

At July 18, 2007 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speed limits are rather inconsistent in this area that's for sure.I thought there was a state law that governed how speed limits were set for all cities and counties. But, maybe that was some time ago, or this area has not caught up to the 20th Century, let alone the 21st. Tee Hee, Partisan Don, Now you know my true identity.

At July 18, 2007 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It figures. The savants (likely idiot savants) at the DOT have habitually screwed up the traffic patterns in our area.
Like the non-synchronized lights on Beal - and on either side of Brooks Bridge on 98 - to the speed limits cited in Pat's blog and comment. If it hasn't been sheer ignorance on the part of county, city and state bureaucrats that's responsible, then it's a more nefarious scheme so the various police entities can run their speed traps!

At July 18, 2007 at 3:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The strech of 98 by the Walmart in Navarre is still 55, there is about an 1/8 of a mile from the light at Panhandle to the light at Walmart then another 1/4 of a mile before the next light. You can't even get to 35 in that stretch and yet some try to reach 55 before they need to slam the brakes for the next light.

At July 18, 2007 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the speed limits are arbitrary and set low enough to catch speeders. Otherwise the Sheriff would have to catch illegal aliens instead of writting tickets!

At July 18, 2007 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the speed limit of highway 85 by the airport was adjusted down because the inferior paving materials cause a driving hazard in wet weather, why can't we just set a two-speed zone--one for wet and one for dry? The slower speed is wasting 15 seconds for each and every person who travels down that road!

Sunset lane was designed for 45 MPH and was 45 MPH for most of my life, but the speed limit was lowered a few years ago to 35, and I do not understand why the speed limit was lowered. Frankly, it feels like COMPLETELY WASTED TIME!!

And someone decided to convert Sunset Lane's smooth-flowing yield intersection onto Highway 85 into a stop intersection, and they artificially changed the nicely sloping entrance into the merge lane with painted lines so that you have to make more of a right angle to get onto the highway, none of which also makes any sense. To me, it looks like a waste of gasoline (from loss of momentum) and time!

Another thought I had is that, if our government is doing a good job of managing roads, why is traffic getting slower and slower and congestion worse and worse??!

And, if our military needs to get to the base quickly, how is having slower and slower roads helping them do that??!?

I feel robbed of my time and energy, and my community is not as efficient or smoothly functioning with these nonsensical "improvements".

At July 19, 2007 at 3:44 AM , Blogger Ashes said...

The speed limit of 25mph on valley road in crestview is way too slow, no one drives at that speed unless they see a cop car headed their way, the cops even hide in the bushes! Change the speed limit and come out of hiding!!!

At July 19, 2007 at 5:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answers that are given as to why the limits are set the way they are are BS. Just pure BS. These are areas that used to be called SPEED TRAPS. A place to make revenue for the system. That is why the powers that be won't change them. It is a thinly veiled cover up to raise money on the backs of unsuspecting motorists. It is dishonest and probably illegal. Why should we have to wait for somone to complain about something so obviously an illegal scam perpetrated by the government? They do it because they can. Shame on the road and trafic people. Shame on them for not using the proper materials. This stupid course of action is called a temporary solution as they know that it will only get more expensive in the future to use the proper materials. The approvers should be cuffed and hauled off to jail for malfecense and racketeering. The only motivation to do something like this is either kick backs or some sort of backshish for doing the paving TWICE and at twice the price. Who got paid off for this one? Don't blame our fine police officers here in our county! That makes you double reprehensible. Just quit and go somewhere else, or go to jail.

At July 19, 2007 at 5:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey rof the reason the sheriff goes after speeders instead of illegals is that speeders pay fines to the county, illegals do not. The more money he rakes in, the more he can ask for in his budget.

At July 19, 2007 at 6:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the 25 mph zone on Hill Ave/MLK Blvd btwn Lovejoy and the new "Freedom Way" entrance to Hurlburt Field? I have NEVER seen anyone drive 25mph, not even the FHP!!

As for the section of Beal Pkwy that is lowered to 35mph, an old-timer (meaning someone who's been here since the 60's) told me that some congressman got mad and lowered the speed limit because he didn't want people speeding down "his" roadway. The politician is long gone, the road has been widened and yet the speed limit stays -- talk about rediculous!

Don't get angry with the sheriff office deputies for doing their job. It's not their fault the DOT is so inept!

At July 19, 2007 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the SL is 25 between Hill and Freedom on MLK is because there is a school zone nearby.

I always go between 25 and 30 on tha little stretch, much to my amusent when impatient drivers pass me, only to have to slam on teir brakes, because the light on lovejoy turns red...

wow, so much progress!!! Speeding REALLY helps doesn't it?

What's worse? "Risking an ulcer" fretting, and being anxious over loosing 15 SECONDS on 85, or spending 15 extra second in your car?

Give me a break and lose the drama.

At July 19, 2007 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...not to mention 25 is needed since there are homes/driveways right on the left without as much as a sidewalk.

At July 19, 2007 at 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the speed limit change to 45, on the east bound side of 98 before you get to the Destin Bridge? The west bound, is the side that was so dangerous for parking on the shoulder, to take your family swimming in the bay.

At July 19, 2007 at 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one that makes no sense. Drive east on Nathey St in Niceville at the posted speed limit of 15mph and then you can actually SPEED UP through the School Zone at the posted 20mph past Edge Elementary!

At July 19, 2007 at 7:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous. I guess you're right. He needs that revenue so he can buy himself a new car every 4-6 months, send his staff on golf outings, I mean conferences in Vegas, and on and on. But hey, the county says they are broke?

At July 19, 2007 at 10:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your "bashing bubble" here folks (don't get me wrong, I love a good bash) but this sort of thing is aaalll over. The lil' ol' panhandle is not alone. And why? Well of course for all the reasons you've already listed! But if it really bothers you, why not get together and do something about it? Peer pressure really DOES still work. Go play in traffic, get their attention, and make them fix some of this crap.

*POP* That's just my 2 cents though.

At July 20, 2007 at 3:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been passed by FWB police in the Cinco Bayou area. I was with most of the traffic at 40mph and the police just wizz by. I cannot think of a single place in this county where I do not see the local police and deputys speeding.

At July 20, 2007 at 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re" anonoymous - police

That (speeding) Or use their turning signals...
I have to say of all places I have ever been, the FWB police is setting the worse example in traffic...

At July 20, 2007 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the way most people drive around here, raising the limit as much as even 10mph would be sure death to many drivers. Take some car control classes, and learn to drive your vehicles safely. Then we can talk. I do agree, many locations have limits that just are not very reasonable. By the way... please use turn signals and for the Nascar wannabes, do not "draft". It doesn't work at 35mph.

At July 20, 2007 at 9:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then there’s Mooney Road,25 MPH ! (and 20 MPH !!)
What’s up with that ? It should be 35MPH
Preposterous !

At July 21, 2007 at 5:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Just more examples of arbitrary laws being arbitrarily enforced. Just ask Joe Morris...

At July 21, 2007 at 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You folks DO realize that about half the roads you've mentioned are residential. Pay attention before you type. Mooney Road? REALLY? There are children living there. If I lived on a street like that, and someone wanted to raise the speed limit above 25MPH, you better believe I'd be against it. I'm sorry that protecting the lives of pedestrians and children gets in the way of your travels. *Excuse me*

At July 21, 2007 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this make sense: Highway 98 thru Mary Ester 40 mph, runway to Holly by the Sea 45mph. Then you get into a conjested area at HBS where several have been killed or injured and the speed limit is 55.
Go figure.

At July 22, 2007 at 7:18 AM , Blogger observer said...

Why should we be debating what the speed limit should be when most of you don't obey it? And for
yiprqf some reason,law enforcement doesn't enforce it.

At July 22, 2007 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before Charlie Morris, the OCSD never worked traffic, but once they found out a portion of the fine goes to the department Charlie has a full time traffic group. We have lower speed limits because of conjestion and illegals with no insurance. Perhaps if legislation put a bounty on illegals we could get some action. Just keep in mind that most of the laws are for selective enforcement. Agressive Deputies will meet their required quota of tickets in the first few days of the month while those procrastinators will wait to the end. With everyone group hugging the illegals, the best we can do is save our driving till the middle of the month.

At July 22, 2007 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Rice is 100% correct and I fully concur with his suggestion. We should raise speed limits by 10 MPH on a trial basis for one year. The first streets we should do the one year study are the streets where Pat Rice, Charley Morris, the Mayor, the FWB police Chief and all city Commissioners reside. After one year lets get thier feelings on raising the speed limits on thier streets. If they're happy with the new increases then I'll be happy too. I'm sure we'll get positive feedback from our public servants and I personally look forward to this one year study. Let's go for it, what's one year of increased speeds on the roads in front of thier homes for starters. Good idea Pat, way to set the example.

At July 23, 2007 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I FINALLY know why the speed limit by the airport was lowered to 45. Was this the only section of 85 paved with the cheap stuff? What about the portion of 85 before/after the Eglin ACC gate? Can someone clear this up for me? And as far as speed traps, ever hear of a radar detector?


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